Pac-Man marks 40 years with new game on Amazon's Twitch

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Pearl Lai, Brand Manager at BANDAI NAMCO Entertainment America, joins Yahoo Finance's The First Trade to discuss Pac-Man's anniversary and the future for the game.

Video Transcript

BRIAN SOZZI: We bought a birthday cake and a present, because today is Pac-Man's 40th birthday. And to mark the occasion, Bandai Namco is teaming up with Amazon's Twitch to provide a new co-op multiplayer experience. Joining us for more is Pearl Lai. She is the brand manager at Bandai Namco Entertainment America. Pearl, good to see you this morning. And 40 years, I can't believe Pac-Man is 40 years old. How are you making this brand relevant for this current generation of gamers?

PEARL LAI: You know, thank you so much. It's been really great to have-- be working on this brand. This is one of the most iconic gaming brands, I think, of all time. And it's been in the "Guinness Book of World Records" for the most relevant and most iconic arcade generation-- arcade brand of that generation.

You know, it's-- it's definitely one of those very, like, long-lived brands. And when you think of the '80s, you definitely think of Pac-Man for that era. And you know, it's going to challenge to-- you know, we always want to stay relevant. We want to stay consistent with-- with what's happening in the world today. Want to make sure that we're still speaking to our audiences that are growing and new. And, you know, we've been doing that through different-- new game-- new game releases.

Through all the years, we've been on basically every console, every arcade since the beginning. And you know, we're really happy now to be coming to the Twitch platform too.

DAN HOWLEY: Pearl, this is Dan. I just want to kind of ask, you know, when you see the new generation of games coming out and you look back at what Pac-Man was and how it still holds people's attention, how do you think that-- that manages to line up? You know, you have things like "Fortnite, Call of Duty" but then "Pac-Man," you know, just a simple maze. Why do you think that has such appeal?

PEARL LAI: Well, I think it's one of the classic games of all time. Like, I think, you know, there's reasons why games like Connect 4 and Uno and, you know, these are all things that are games in the modern pop culture-- culture sphere, not-- not just in the videogame sphere. So we're really glad to sort of at least have such a simple-- simple but accessible gameplay.

I mean, the story behind the title is the father of Pac-Man Toro Otani essentially saw at the time that there were all these games, all the arcades are packed with guys, you know, going to their kids and spending their quarters. And he wanted to create something that was appealing not just to men but also to women. And that's sort of where the idea of Pac-Man, you know, something that was appealing to, you know, men, women, basically everyone.