How Pinal County superintendent candidates will manage taxpayer dollars, school boards

The longtime Pinal County school superintendent is competing to retain her job against a local mayor who says the office needs a fresh perspective.

Jill Broussard has served as Pinal County's school superintendent since 2011. The position supports school governing board elections and bond and override elections, manages school board appointments, oversees school finances and maintains homeschool and private school records.

Tara Walter, an assistant principal who has been mayor of Florence since 2016, is challenging Broussard.

Both are running as Republicans.

The Arizona Republic asked each candidate to answer six questions about how they plan to handle the office's key responsibilities. Here's what they had to say, in alphabetical order.

Why do you want this job?

Jill Broussard: I have been providing and developing services for the benefit of the Pinal County School Districts for 12 years. We have had great success in bringing new services and programs for the benefit of our schools, students and families. I would like to continue this work. We have several new projects to help the schools with staffing, new teacher support, connectivity, and more planned for the next four years. I am dedicated to contributing to the ongoing success and growth of our educational community in Pinal County.

Tara Walter: Over the years, Pinal County has experienced significant growth, yet despite this increase in population, we've seen opportunities for our students decrease. The landscape of education has changed dramatically, with new challenges and complexities arising from technological advancements, changing demographics, and shifting societal expectations. Yet, the services provided by the superintendent's office have remained static. It's time for change.

As your next Pinal County school superintendent, I pledge to prioritize student achievement, teacher support, and community engagement above all else. I will work tirelessly to build strong relationships with local businesses, organizations, and families to ensure that our schools are preparing students for success in all aspects of life. Also, I will lead the charge in modernizing our operations to better meet the needs of our students in this new era.

I will streamline administrative processes, leveraging technology and innovation to increase efficiency and effectiveness. I have established partnerships with local businesses and organizations to provide our students with hands-on learning experiences and career readiness opportunities. Our teachers need resources and support to deliver high-quality instruction that prepares our students for success.

I ask for your support and your vote because I believe that together, we will create a brighter future for Pinal County's children — one where every student has the opportunity to succeed, thrive and reach their full potential. Let's work together to make a real difference in the lives of our students and build a better tomorrow for our community.

What prior experiences qualify you to manage school finances and steward taxpayer dollars?

Broussard: My qualifications for managing school finances and stewarding taxpayer dollars are rooted in 12 years of proven fiscal responsibility and effective budget management. Throughout my tenure, I have consistently operated within budget constraints without requesting increases. I have successfully demonstrated my commitment to efficient financial stewardship. We have implemented successful programming initiatives that have resulted in substantial cost savings for school districts, amounting to tens of thousands of dollars annually. These achievements highlight my ability to strategically allocate resources, optimize expenditures, and identify opportunities for financial efficiencies.

Walter: As your next Pinal County school superintendent, I bring a unique combination of experience in education and public service, serving as a teacher, assistant principal, Town Council member, and mayor qualify me to manage school finances and steward taxpayer dollars. I have consistently demonstrated my ability to manage budgets, allocate resources effectively, and make fiscally responsible decisions that benefit students and the community in my current roles. My experience has taught me the importance of transparency, accountability, and responsible fiscal management. I’ve successfully navigated budget reductions, prioritized spending and identified cost-saving opportunities with a commitment to maintaining a high level of service.

Throughout my career, I have demonstrated my commitment to transparency, accountability and responsible fiscal management. As Pinal County school superintendent, I am confident that my unique blend of educational and public service experience will enable me to effectively manage school finances, steward taxpayer dollars and bring new perspective to benefit students, teachers and the community.

What is the biggest challenge facing the Pinal County School Superintendent’s Office, and how would you address it?


  • Community engagement and collaboration: Foster partnerships with community organizations, businesses, and parents to create a collaborative approach to addressing educational disparities.

  • Professional development: Invest in ongoing professional development for educators and staff to ensure they are equipped with the skills and knowledge to support diverse student populations effectively.

  • Data-driven decision-making: Utilize data analytics to identify areas of support and monitor the impact of interventions.

  • Advocacy and policy development: Advocate for policies at the state and local levels that prioritize common sense measures that benefit our students' academic growth and well-being. Collaborating with legislators, lobbying for equitable funding formulas and influencing educational policy agendas.

Walter: The biggest issue the Pinal County School Superintendent’s Office currently faces is a lack of fresh perspective. As the next Pinal County superintendent, I will prioritize relationship building with innovative practices, efficient management with fiscal responsibility, school safety, and teacher support and training.

I believe in term limits. While the town of Florence does not have term limits set, I am setting the example. I established my priorities and goals, accomplishing them over the past eight years as mayor. At this time, I plan to utilize my background, experience, and knowledge of both education and government to make a positive impact for our Pinal County youth.

How will you work with the county Board of Supervisors to improve student outcomes?

Broussard: We have built strong relationships with our Pinal County Board of Supervisors over the last 12 years. I will continue to act as a vocal advocate for education priorities within the county Board of Supervisors meetings and discussions. I will engage in collaborative planning sessions with supervisors to align countywide initiatives with educational goals. I will encourage and facilitate community engagement efforts that involve both the county Board of Supervisors and local schools, such as our Pinal County Business and Education Summit, community forums on education-related issues, and collaborative initiatives to address community challenges affecting students.

Walter: As the Pinal County school superintendent, I (would be) committed to working closely with the county Board of Supervisors to improve student outcomes. With my extensive experience as an administrator, council member, vice mayor, and mayor, I possess a unique understanding of the importance of effective collaboration between education and government entities. My track record of improving school performance and letter grades demonstrates my ability to drive positive change. As a Flinn-Brown fellow, I have insight into the importance of building relationships with local elected officials to advocate for the needs of our students. Through my involvement with organizations such as the Arizona Mayors Educational Roundtable, Pinal Regional Partnership, and Local Emergency Planning Committee, I have developed strong connections with county leaders and policymakers. I am eager to leverage these relationships to secure resources and support for our schools, ensuring that every student in Pinal County has access to the opportunities they deserve. By working together with the county Board of Supervisors, I will focus on initiatives that address student achievement gaps, improve teacher professional development and increase community engagement. Through my extensive experience in volunteerism and community service, I have also learned the value of building strong relationships with community leaders, parents and educators. As superintendent, I will continue to foster these connections to create a collaborative environment that prioritizes student success and well-being.

How would you describe your leadership style?

Broussard: Overall, my leadership style is centered around empowering others to reach their full potential, encouraging continuous improvement, and offering unwavering support to achieve shared goals effectively. By fostering an environment of open communication and mutual respect, I encourage innovation and creativity while ensuring alignment with overarching goals. I prioritize transparency in decision-making and value input from all levels of the organization.

Walter: As a seasoned administrator and community leader, I would describe my leadership style as collaborative and results-driven. Throughout my experience as an administrator, I have consistently demonstrated the ability to inspire and motivate teams to achieve exceptional results, with every school I've served seeing improvements in letter grades and performance. My approach is centered on building strong relationships with educators, students, and community members to foster a culture of trust, transparency, and accountability. I believe in empowering others to take ownership of their work and providing the necessary resources and support to help them succeed. As a council member, vice mayor, and mayor, I have successfully brought together diverse stakeholders to tackle complex issues and drive positive change in our community. My commitment to term limits is a testament to my willingness to prioritize the greater good over personal interests. Through various volunteer roles, including teaching, coaching and community organizing, I have shown a dedication to giving back to my community and making a positive impact on the lives of others. As Pinal County school superintendent, I would leverage my experience, expertise, and passion for education to lead the district toward excellence, prioritizing student success, staff development and community engagement.

Describe the process by which you will make school board appointments. To what extent will you involve school district and community input, and why?

Broussard: When there is a school district governing board vacancy, it is my preference to allow the voters to make the choice. When the election is not near, I collect applications and perform one-on-one interviews. I take suggestions from the board into consideration. I would like to form a committee for future board member appointments consisting of representatives from our Pinal communities.

Walter: As a mayor who has successfully implemented a transparent and inclusive appointment process at the town level, I am committed to bringing this same approach to school board appointments. When a vacancy arises, I will prioritize a thorough and deliberate process that involves school district and community input from the very beginning. First, I will define clear qualifications for the ideal candidate, including experience in education, leadership, community involvement and communication skills. I will then publicly announce the vacancy and provide detailed information about the role, responsibilities and qualifications required. To attract a diverse pool of candidates, I will advertise the vacancy widely and encourage applications from individuals from different backgrounds, professions and demographics. A structured application process will be used to review resumes, cover letters and references, with interviews conducted to assess candidates' qualifications, skills and fit for the role. Throughout the process, I will ensure transparency by gathering feedback from stakeholders, including parents, teachers, students and community leaders, to gain insight into the candidates and potential impact on the school district. My approach prioritizes community involvement and transparency to ensure that the selected candidate is well-equipped to serve the district effectively and make informed decisions that benefit students, teachers, and the community. Regular meetings with school board members, site superintendents, and community stakeholders will also be held, regardless of any vacancies, to ensure that I remain informed about the needs of each community and can provide targeted support to positively impact student academic achievement and opportunities.

Reach the reporter at [email protected].

This article originally appeared on Arizona Republic: Pinal County 2024 election: Q&A with superintendent candidates