Plaza's "Beautiful" most certainly is

Jan. 9—The short take on Plaza Theatre's production of "Beautiful: The Carole King Musical" is run, don't walk, to experience it. It's astoundingly good in every way.

The longer take is that the nifty people of Plaza have happened upon a winning formula these past three years by kicking off their seasons with musical bio — or as Plaza Artistic Director JaceSon Barrus calls them, jukebox musical — takes on well loved artists.

Beautiful lands Plaza a winning three-peat, both quality and entertainment wise.

But where both previous Plaza jukebox musicals — plays covering Buddy Holly and Johnny Cash — focused on the, admittedly great, music of both while only broadly touching upon their life stories, "Beautiful deep dives both into the music and backstory of Carole King. Not to mention fellow songwriters Gerry Goffin (Shaun Senter), Cynthia Weil (Emily Potter) and Barry Mann (Rose Ivie).

Paloma Magana played the role of King during Thursday's opening night performance. She and Eden Barrus switch off filling the role on alternate performances.

Of Barrus' take on King I cannot say though I'm betting it's grand as she's acquitted herself admirably in numerous earlier Plaza plays.

Magana, a Plaza newcomer, is quite simply stunning good in the role. That goes from her singing and piano playing to her onstage mannerisms and the natural ease with which she inhabits the part and impressively pulls off the arc of King's personal and artistic growth youthful innocent to adult woman finding her true voice.

The same must be said for the three other main actors and Krystal Berrios as Genie Klein, King's mother.

Lesser actors may have played those respective roles surface quirky or simply for laughs resulting in stock character presentations. Certainly all four have fun with their roles and toss off ample hilarious lines, but they also imbue realistic heart and character.

"Beautiful's" performance numbers — live band and all — journey from the great girl group hits of the early '60s through classic songs recorded by the Animals, Monkees and others up to and past King's iconic "Tapestry" album. Songs penned by King, Goffin, Weil and Mann, and songs guaranteed to set toes tapping and bring memories flooding in.

Songs also delivered by actors portraying the Drifters, Shirelles, Righteous Brothers, Little Eva and Neil Sedaka with gusto in addition to King and company. Dance and song production numbers too that relay the impression of having 50 actors on stage at times.

The production team and technical crew warrant robust applause as well, especially costume designers Tina Barrus and Diane Ryan's pitch perfect capture of the early '60 to mid '70s evolving fashions.

The Plaza bunch have staged many great shows in past years and their season upcoming looks to be swell as well. Here they have their work cut out for them though because "Beautiful," well, it's going to be hard to top.

"Beautiful" is a whatchacallit, a tour de force no doubt. Best grab tickets while they're still around.

"Beautiful" plays through Feb. 3. For tickets and showtimes, visit or call 817-202-0600.