Pro-Donald Trump, pro-Kamala Harris merch stands share corner, friendship in Orange County

ORANGE COUNTY, Calif. - The 2024 Presidential debate is now center stage at an intersection in Orange County.

At the corner of Newport Avenue and East 17th Street, opposing vendors have setup for Republican nominee Donald Trump and Democratic nominee Kamala Harris.

"[Trump] tries to keep taxes down," said Steve Lawrence. "I think we need to have the border monitored."

"Kamala opens up a space for respect for all," said Sandra Robbie.

The two competing vendors sell hats, stickers, flags and other merchandise for Trump and Harris. According to Lawrence, he set up at the intersection roughly eight weeks ago. Then, Robbie arrived about four weeks later.

While they have opposing views, the two met at the corner selling merchandise and have now become friends.

"We don’t debate," said Robbie. "I honestly say we talk and listen to each other. We don’t argue."

The two say they picked this particular location because it has a lot of traffic, visibility, space, and nearby parking.

"We have become friends as we have worked together here this year," said Lawrence. "She has her customers. I have my customers. We basically just share the same corner."

In between the two competing stands is a sign that says, "We both ask that you please be nice."

"There really shouldn’t be any hate for anybody coming up here," said Lawrence.

The two both get honked at by passing drivers, while also occasionally receiving the middle finger. They say no customer has ever been to their location unsure of who they’re supporting or shopping from.

"[Sharing a corner] is at least a demonstration of hopefully where some of us can get to," said Leann Stone, a Harris supporter. "I can’t get there yet."

"That’s crazy," said Stan, a Trump supporter. "I’m glad it’s peaceful."

The Trump stand will be setup every day 11 a.m. until 6 p.m. until the election.

The Harris vendor sells at this location on Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturday also from around 11 a.m. to 6 p.m.