Rep. Andy Biggs, Eli Crane join prostrating posers at Donald Trump porn star payoff trial

U.S. House members from Arizona, Republican representatives Andy biggs (left) and Eli Crane.
U.S. House members from Arizona, Republican representatives Andy biggs (left) and Eli Crane.

Republican Sen. Mitt Romney got it right.

He was asked about the rotating platoon of political posers making pilgrimages to the New York City courthouse where former President Donald Trump is on trial facing criminal charges.

Romney said, "I think it’s a little demeaning to show up in front of a courthouse particularly one where we’re talking about an allegation of paying a porn star."


It’s the kind of thing that would have people in the rest of the country asking: “What kind of groveling groupies would be willing to debase themselves like that?”

Here is Arizona, however, we only wondered: "What day will our guys show up?'

We knew some of our guys would show up eventually

And the answer was…Thursday.

Arizona Republican Reps. Andy Biggs and Eli Crane were among a group of genuflecting lawmakers to publicly worship at the altar of a man they want to be president, and who, for now, is in trouble over the reporting of a $130,000 hush money payment involving a sexual liaison with a porn star that supposedly occurred only a few months after his wife had given birth to their son.

After spending time in the courtroom the Republicans who make the pilgrimage on Thursday took turns speaking to reporters at a gathering outside. None of them spoke directly to the evidence or to what led to charges in the first place. It was a show of support from Trump's most loyal loyalists.

"It’s pretty clear to us that this is a sham trial. It’s being done for political purposes and that just should not stand in the United States of America," Biggs said.

Crain added that people “know that president Trump is the biggest obstacle in between them destroying this country and turning it into some totalitarian state. And that’s what they want. Just like this judge up here. We’re not gonna allow that to happen."

They're all in on Trump, about which Romney said, "Really very difficult to watch. There is a level of dignity and decorum that you expect from people who are running for the highest station in the land, and going out and prostrating themselves in front of the public to try and apparently curry favor with the person whose our nominee, it’s a little embarrassing."

He’s right, except for the part about it being a ‘little embarrassing.” It’s way more than a little embarrassing.

At least it would be, if the fawning flunkies had any shame.


Reach Montini at [email protected].

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This article originally appeared on Arizona Republic: Trump's trial is another chance for Arizona Republicans to be posers