Can I request a traffic light at a busy intersection? | MyReporter

As growth continues, people say they want traffic signals at busy intersections. One area to get a traffic signal in recent years is the intersection of Mt. Misery Road and U.S. 74 in Leland.
As growth continues, people say they want traffic signals at busy intersections. One area to get a traffic signal in recent years is the intersection of Mt. Misery Road and U.S. 74 in Leland.

As the Wilmington area continues to see explosive growth, and new residential and commercial developments continue to pop up, StarNews readers often reach out to express their concerns about traffic.

Over the past year or so, readers have emailed us asking how they can get a traffic signal at an intersection near their home. We asked the North Carolina Department of Transportation about the process, and here's what they said.

What is the first step for getting a traffic signal installed at an intersection?

According to NCDOT spokeswoman Lauren Haviland, the person or group that wishes to have the traffic signal installed should contact NCDOT's Division Traffic Services Unit and make the request.

Once a request is made, what happens next?

Staff from the traffic services unit will then conduct a traffic study on the intersection to determine if a traffic signal is warranted.

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Is there a required traffic flow for a signalized intersection?

"Yes, we reference the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices and/or Guidelines for Signalization of Intersections with two or three approaches depending upon the roadway geometry," Haviland said in an email.

Based on the results of the study, staff determines if a traffic signal is warranted, and the process of funding the project begins.

"Upon funding being obtained, the department will design, document, schedule, and install the signal," Haviland said.

Are there options if traffic doesn't merit a signal?

Haviland said it's possible if the intersection doesn't warrant a signal, it could qualify for other traffic control measures, such as a stop sign, but it depends on the situation.

How long does this process take?

There is no set timeline from the time the signal is requested to installation.

Haviland said the timeframe depends on "many factors including, but not limited to, study timeframe, obtaining funding, resources, specifics of the design, right of way needs, utility modifications, and others."

Do you have a question about an issue in the Cape Fear Region? Email it to [email protected], and we will get it answered.

This article originally appeared on Wilmington StarNews: How can I get a traffic light at a busy intersection in Wilmington, NC