I rode Brightline in South Florida for years and I'm finally done. Here's why.

Dear Brightline,

How did we get here? When I moved to Florida, I swore off public transportation forever. For years, I enjoyed a short commute, and life was good. Then you came along. You appealed to my sensibilities, manipulated my emotions, and lured me away with false promises of a “carefree, car free ride.” You were starting a new business and I was considering a new opportunity of my own. You exploited my proclivity for public service and pushed me toward a professional opportunity far from home. Of course, the choice was mine, but you bear some responsibility. I relied on your support.

Our relationship began as most do. It wasn’t perfect, but I was patient and hopeful. You were a new business and I believed in you. Despite your malfunctioning app, your unreliable schedule, and your increasing mortality rate, I stood by you. I recommended you to friends and colleagues. I incorporated your business into mine, subsidizing my co-workers to the extent I could. You built stations near three of my five office locations, and there was talk of a possible fourth. It was good for us all.

But as your business grew, our relationship fizzled. You slowly pushed me away, subtly at first- warning notes on my car when I parked improperly (I didn’t), emails accusing me of not canceling rides (I did), price increases over time (I paid). As ridership increased, so did your aggression. Not understanding the concept of auto-renew, you regularlydouble billed, but somehow it was always my fault. You kept my money. I was an unwilling accomplice to six of your 100+ kills. Your tone-deaf, but PR approved, reference to these souls as “trespassers” is cringeworthy. Your lack of empathy, for them and for us riders, contributes to my commuter PTSD. Despite your media spin, I know the real you.

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At first, I tried to reason with you. I shared my emails and receipts. You simply didn’t care. Then my anger grew. I tried to leverage my influence over 300 employees and multiple agencies, but you laughed. I threatened to expose your questionable billing practices, but you ignored me. My politician friends- yes, I have politician friends- said it was a land grab from the beginning. You never cared about passengers. I wish I had known sooner. Ultimately, you dealt the final blow. You changed the rules and imposed exorbitant fare hikes that my fellow commuters, a.k.a. the riff raff, simply can’t afford. Even well-paid executives simply refuse to contribute $1500 a month to your “exclusive” business. I’ve given you enough. Thanks for your loyalty.

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Angela Noble
Angela Noble

I invested five years in this relationship, but it’s over. I’m breaking up with you. I may have some life choices to make, but I always land on my feet. The part of me that cares for the community hopes you will succeed. The rest is indifferent. I will fondly remember the good times we shared and the good friends I made. (I’m taking some with me.) It’s not goodbye forever- I know our paths will cross again. Hopefully, not at a crowded intersection.

Angela E. Noble Palm Beach Gardens

P.S. You owe me $400.

This article originally appeared on Palm Beach Post: A South Florida letter to Brightline: We’re done