Sarah Silverman: ‘To the ‘Bernie or Bust’ people — you’re being ridiculous’

PHILADELPHIA — Standup comic Sarah Silverman was an ardent Bernie Sanders supporter during the Democratic primary, releasing a video in March called, “Bernie Sanders is the one for me.”

“I’m not against Hillary, but I met someone I have more in common with, and his name is Bernie Sanders,” she said at the time, decrying the “legalized corruption” of the campaign finance system and calling the Sanders campaign “a giant [blank] you to the above-the-law billionaire class.”

With that impeccable Berniecrat pedigree, and her longstanding willingness to break every conversational taboo, Silverman was uniquely positioned on the opening night of the Democratic National Convention to address fractious Sanders supporters in the audience, after a day in which the outgoing Democratic chair, other Clinton backers and even the senator from Vermont himself had been met with boos because of their commitment to electing Clinton president.

“I am proud to be a part of Bernie’s movement, and a vital part of that moment is making sure Hillary Clinton is the next president of the United States,” Silverman said Monday, before ad-libbing: “Can I just say to the ‘Bernie or Bust’ people: You’re being ridiculous.”

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