Search for missing hiker on Longs Peak continued Tuesday, hampered by poor conditions

The search continued Tuesday for a Colorado Springs man reported missing while hiking Longs Peak over the weekend.

Lucas Macaj, 23, was reported overdue late Sunday night after summiting Longs Peak earlier in the day. Macaj was last heard from around 1 p.m. Sunday when he texted a friend that he was on the summit, according to a Rocky Mountain National Park news release.

Rangers began searching for Macaj on Monday, and his vehicle was found parked at the Longs Peak Trailhead.

Macaj started his hike from the Longs Peak Trailhead early Sunday morning and reached the summit via the Keyhole route, according to the news release. Macaj is 5 feet, 9 inches tall, weighs 155 pounds, and has brown hair and green eyes. He is believed to be wearing a dark-colored top, tan or brown pants, khaki-colored boots and a black backpack. He may also be wearing a beanie and dark-colored gloves.

The search for him continued Tuesday but efforts were hampered by strong winds, whiteout conditions and low visibility, according to a Tuesday afternoon news release. Investigators were unable to search in the Loft area and the Keyhole route on Longs Peak due to the poor conditions. Searchers were able to hike and snowshoe above Black Lake, the area below the Trough and the Ledges.

Additional information about the search had not been released as of 2:45 p.m. Wednesday.

Monday's search efforts in the park included air reconnaissance using a heat-sensing fixed-wing aircraft as well as ground teams on the Longs Peak Trail to the Ledges on the Keyhole route. Searches from aircrafts have focused on the Keyhole route, including the Ledges, the Trough, the Narrows, the Homestretch, and the section between Longs Peak and Mount Meeker. Searching also took place on the Boulder Brook Trail.

The Rocky Mountain National Park Search and Rescue Team is being assisted by Flight for Life air ambulance and the State of Colorado Department of Fire Prevention and Control.

Anyone with information they believe could help searchers — including those who believe they may have seen Macaj or were in the area of Longs Peak on Sunday — are asked to contact the National Park Service Investigative Services Bureau Tip Line by calling 888-653-0009, by filling out an online form on the National Park Service's Investigative Services website or by emailing [email protected]. People can remain anonymous.

Longs Peak safety tips

  • Depending on your route, packing traction devices such as Microspikes, Yaktrax or crampons and an ice axe may be prudent.

  • Pack extra warm clothes, waterproof layers, extra food and water, a headlamp, a personal first-aid kit and a cellphone.

  • If you are traveling alone, explain to a friend or family member detailed plans of your trip and take extra care with decision making.

  • Be smart and turn around when conditions exceed your abilities.

  • Visit the Longs Peak conditions report on the National Park Service's website.

This article originally appeared on Fort Collins Coloradoan: Search continued Tuesday for missing Colorado Springs man on Longs Peak