Sept. 11 by the numbers: Facts from a tragic day in American history

On the 20th anniversary of the Sept. 11 terror attacks, USA TODAY is republishing articles published in 2002 for the first anniversary. Here, we took a look at some of the facts and figures related to the attacks and aftermath of Sept. 11.

The youngest passenger on the hijacked jets was Christine Hanson on United Airlines Flight 175. She was 2 and on her first trip to Disneyland.

The oldest passenger on the hijacked jets was Robert Norton on American Airlines Flight 11. He was 82.

The New York City Fire Department lost 343 firefighters, almost half the number of on-duty deaths in the department's 100-year history.

The south tower collapsed at a magnitude of 2.1 on a seismograph; the north tower collapsed with a magnitude of 2.3, according to Columbia University in New York. The San Francisco Bay Area earthquake in 1989 had a magnitude of 7.1.

1,444 trash receptacles were removed from Metro subway station areas in the Washington metropolitan area.

Sirius, one of the first bomb-sniffing K-9 dogs stationed near the World Trade Center after the 1993 terrorist bombing, died in the Sept. 11 attacks.

15 million square feet of office space was lost at the World Trade Center, more than three times the amount of space at the Sears Tower in Chicago. 1,430 people with 50,000 employees from 26 countries called the WTC "the office."

4,600 Pentagon workers had to be relocated temporarily.

1,337 vehicles were crushed when the towers collapsed, including 91 FDNY vehicles.

1.5 million working hours during 261 days were spent removing the debris at the World Trade Center site.

The FBI assigned more than 2,500 of its 11,500 agents to anti-terrorism operations. 350,000 pages from the CIA and 20,000 pages from the FBI were produced for congressional hearings about possible intelligence failures before Sept. 11. Eleven people shared addresses with at least one of the hijackers. Seven of the 11 were on the FBI's "watch list" and were pilots.

The United States offered a reward of up to $25 million, paid for by the Rewards for Justice program, for information leading to the apprehension of Osama bin Laden. In the three months before Sept. 11, the CIA forwarded 300 names a month to agencies watching for terrorists. In September, the number rose to nearly 1,000; in October, 1,400. It has leveled off to fewer than 900 names a month.

Nearly half of Washington's 25,000 hotel workers lost their jobs in September 2001. Half of those had been rehired.

Eight nationwide call centers staffed by 20,000 volunteers logged 300,000 calls within the first 15 minutes of the Sept. 21 America: A Tribute to Heroes telethon, which raised $112 million.

Kejo, a police and military equipment seller, sold more than 1,000 gas masks in September, up from the usual 100 a year.

The Salvation Army served 3,231,681 meals at the WTC site from Sept. 11 to May 30.

5,000 wooden crosses to commemorate victims were planted Sept. 23, 2002, in Guthrie, Oklahoma, by the Bible Baptist Church.

The monthly revenue for airport limousines a month after Sept. 11 fell from $666 million to $333 million nationally. The average daily take of the Afghan Grill in Edison, New Jersey, dropped from $1,300 to $100 a month after the attacks.

The week before Sept. 11, "Jack: Straight From the Gut," by Jack Welch, topped the 100. The week after, "Twin Towers: The Life of New York City's World Trade Center," by Angus Kress Gillespie, was No. 1.

48 countries held ceremonies on Dec. 11, 2001, to commemorate the victims.

$900 million will be raised by the end of 2002 from the Department of Transportation's $2.50 passenger ticket fee to help pay for aviation security.

More than 100 people affected by the terror attacks carried the Olympic torch on its way to Salt Lake City.

The Emmys were postponed twice: Sept. 16, after the terrorist attacks, and Oct. 7, when the United States began airstrikes in Afghanistan.

$5 million has been sent to the White House by schoolchildren for America's Fund for Afghan Children.

In October, 55,000 jobs were lost nationwide at eateries. Nationally, restaurant sales declined $6 billion in September 2001.

Applications increased 53% for majors in Middle and Near East Studies at New York University for fall 2002, compared with fall 2001.

333,000 metric tons of food, enough to feed 26 million, was delivered to Afghanistan by the World Food Program, with the support of the U.S. government, from October 2001 to March 1. 2,423,000 Humanitarian Daily Rations were dropped in Afghanistan.

161 countries froze suspected terrorists' assets.

The airline industry lost $5 billion from Sept. 11 to Sept. 30 and requested $24 billion in aid from the federal government. Because of tighter restrictions, drugs seized along the 1,962-mile U.S.-Mexico border fell by 80% in the two weeks after the terrorist attacks, compared with the same period the year before.

Donations of $1.88 billion related to Sept. 11 accounted for nearly 1% of all charitable giving in 2001. The average individual donation to Sept. 11 charities was less than $100. Donor nations have promised the United Nations $1.6 billion in aid to Afghanistan.

Nationwide, hotel occupancy dropped to 52.3% Sept. 16 to Sept. 22, down 25.9% from the same period in 2000.

The Tribute in Light, which illuminated the New York skyline nightly from March 11 through April 13, used $10,000 worth of electricity.

There were 564 detainees at the U.S. Navy base at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, accused of belonging to al-Qaeda or the Taliban.

120 jets were stranded on the tarmac at Ronald Reagan Washington National Airport on Sept. 11.

In a USA TODAY/CNN/Gallup Poll conducted (in September 2002), 60% of Americans said it was very or somewhat likely there would be another attack during the next several weeks. The percentage was down from 80% in October.

The New York City Fire Department has received more than 1 million pieces of mail. The mementos filled two warehouses.

When the New York Stock Exchange reopened Sept. 17, half of the financial district was without electricity and had to use generators. At 9:30 a.m., traders on the exchange floor paused to observe two minutes of silence.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention tested the air at Ground Zero 1,174 times from Sept. 18 to Oct. 4.

More than 65 items, from toy weapons to pool cues, were prohibited in aircraft cabins. Before Sept. 11, there were fewer than 30 restricted items.

21 office buildings in Lower Manhattan, the same number of buildings in the Southtown section of Kansas City, Missouri, were affected by the terrorist attacks. By the end of 2003, New York City was projected thave a net loss of 57,000 jobs attributable to the attack. More than 700 businesses in the WTC complex, about twice as many as are in the Mall of America in Bloomington, Minnesota, either were destroyed or severely damaged. 22,000 people in Lower Manhattan had requested job-loss benefits 30 days after Sept. 11.

The viewing platform at the WTC site could hold 400 people. It was 13 feet high and made of wood.

The Salt Lake City Olympic Organizing Committee unveiled a $5 red, white and blue Olympic pin with the words United We Stand on Sept. 17. By the next day, 60,000 orders had been received.

Broadway shows grossed $9.6 million for the week ending Sept. 9, 2001. For the week ending Sept. 16, the gross was $3.5 million, and attendance dropped by more than 100,000 to 65,155.

40 passengers and crew members died on United Flight 93. That is one-fifth of the population of Shanksville, Pennsylvania, where the jet crashed.

The NYSE made 5,000 breathing masks available to employees and traders because of thick smoke and dust when the stock market reopened Sept. 17.

The fires at Ground Zero burned for 99 days, until Dec. 19.

New England Patriots guard Joe Andruzzi's brother, Jim, was one of the first 500 firefighters called to the WTC Sept. 11. He got out.

6 employees of Morgan Stanley, the largest tenant of the WTC, died in the attack. 3,700 were employed by the company. Cantor Fitzgerald lost more than 600 employees on Sept. 11, all of those on duty at 8:46 a.m. The 320 employees who survived were not in the building.

There were 19 hijackers.

184 people died at the Pentagon and on American Flight 77. 168 died in the Oklahoma City bombing in 1995.

It cost $1.1 billion (in 1970 dollars) to build the WTC.

Some Pentagon employees had returned to their offices in the damaged outer ring 61 years after ground was broken Sept. 11, 1941.

Sources: USATODAY research by April Umminger, Joan Murphy, Lori Joseph, William Risser, Darryl Haralson, Mary Cadden

PHOTOS Associated Press


This article originally appeared on USA TODAY: How many people died on 9/11? Facts from America's most tragic day