Small, vocal minority shouldn't be allowed to intimidate into school book bans | Letters

The self-appointed school library censors in the state have been very active recently. There needs to be some reasonable order in this process that would protect the rights of all students to have access to any school library book and keep a vocal, belligerent minority from capriciously intimidating school administrators to removing books they see as controversial.

School districts could start by only allowing parents of children enrolled in the school their child attends to object to a book. The parent should then show that they have read the book. Then they should be required to identify the specific passages of the book that they object to.

Last, they should show how this content differs significantly from what students regularly see on social media, cable and network television. While this review procedure is going on in a school district, the books will remain available to all students.

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Such a protocol would give parents a process to object to books while preserving the right for students to have access to all books in the school library.

Dick Marx, Whitefish Bay

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This article originally appeared on Milwaukee Journal Sentinel: Intimidation leading to censorship in Wisconsin school libraries