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    Jason Sickles

    Donald Trump calls Hillary Clinton ‘the devil’

    No one has ever said subtlety is Donald Trump’s strong suit. The jab?came as he chastised Sen. Bernie Sanders for conceding the Democratic primary race to Clinton and endorsing her. “He should have not made a deal,” Trump told the packed gymnasium.

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    Dylan Stableford

    Trump escalates feud with the Khans as McCain delivers scathing rebuke

    The feud between Donald Trump and the family of a slain Muslim American soldier entered its fourth full day Monday, with Khizr and Ghazala Khan continuing their criticism of the Republican nominee, Trump firing back on Twitter and Arizona Sen. John McCain releasing a lengthy, scathing rebuke of Trump’s comments about the Khans. Over a series of televised morning show interviews, the Gold Star parents of Humayun Khan — a 27-year-old U.S. Army captain who was killed by a car bomb in Iraq in 2004

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    Dylan Stableford

    Khizr Khan: Donald Trump has a ‘black soul’

    Khizr Khan, father of fallen U.S. Army Capt. Humayun Khan, holds up a copy of the Constitution as his wife listens at the Democratic convention. The war of words between Donald Trump and the family of a slain Muslim-American soldier continued over the weekend, with the Republican nominee suggesting the mother did not speak on stage at last week’s Democratic National Convention because she was not “allowed” to, Ghazala Khan responding that she was in too much “pain” over the loss of her son to d

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    Hunter Walker

    Women at the DNC recall the power of watching Hillary Clinton make history

    Hillary Clinton made history Thursday evening when she became the first woman to accept the presidential nomination from a major political party. Women who were there in Philadelphia to watch the moment talked to Yahoo News about what it meant to them. Several described the experience as “overwhelming” and framed it as not just a victory for their fellow Clinton supporters, but a win for all women.

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    Lisa Belkin

    This time, the woman is in charge — and the man is by her side

    In the summer of 1984, after all, kissing was all the talk at the Democratic National Convention, as strategists tied themselves in knots discussing how Walter Mondale and Geraldine Ferraro — the first co-ed presidential ticket in history — should interact. Instead, the power of the moment was how awkward it wasn’t. ?Two politicians stood on a stage, hands clasped and raised, and two things were true: a) that the woman was the lead candidate, the man her second, and b) it looked perfectly norma

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    Caitlin Dickson

    America, Tim Kaine loves your dad jokes

    America, Tim Kaine has heard your dad jokes, and he thinks they’re funny. The Virginia senator made his campaign debut last weekend at a Miami rally where Hillary Clinton officially named him as her running mate. Based on the stream of jokes that flooded Twitter Wednesday night, one of the biggest takeaways from Kaine’s DNC speech was that Clinton’s running mate is really just a sweet suburban dad.

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    Michael Walsh

    Clinton-Obama hug photo goes viral on Instagram

    On the night Hillary Clinton made history by accepting the Democratic Party’s nomination for the presidency, the world wasn’t just watching at home passively as it had in past elections, but speaking out and reacting in real time over social media. Data from Instagram, Twitter and other services also indicate which moments from the Democratic National Convention in Philadelphia resonated with the American people. For instance, the picture that Clinton shared of herself and President Obama embr

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    Yahoo News Contributors

    The Unconventional Diaries: Two wild weeks in Cleveland and Philadelphia

    Yahoo News enlisted participants at the Democratic and Republican national conventions — representing different viewpoints and roles — to file daily diary entries about their on-the-ground experiences in Philadelphia and Cleveland.

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    Yahoo News Photo

    On the ground at the DNC ?— a photo report

    Award-winning photographer Khue Bui?is on the ground for Yahoo capturing scenes from the Democratic National Convention in Philadelphia. From protests outside to the convention floor and the quirky stuff in between — we will presenting his exclusive photographic report throughout the week. See our complete convention coverage here. See more news-related photo galleries and follow us on Yahoo News Photo Tumblr

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    Yahoo News Contributors

    The Unconventional Diaries: Clinton’s grand finale wraps up the Democratic show

    Gen. John Allen rallies the troops, a loving daughter speaks, and Hillary Clinton accepts the nomination for president in Philadelphia. Yahoo News enlisted participants at the Democratic National Convention representing different viewpoints and roles to file daily diary entries on their experiences in Philadelphia.

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    Andrew Romano

    Clinton to Trump: You don’t represent the real America. I do.

    When Hillary Clinton stepped to the podium on the final night of the 2016 Democratic National Convention to accept her party’s nomination for president, she attempted to do something that Democrats have rarely, if ever, succeeded in doing. “Here’s the sad truth: There is no other Donald Trump,” Clinton said. Thanks to Donald Trump — and his dark, in many ways un-Republican vision of America — she may actually pull it off.

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    Yahoo News Contributors

    ‘Do all the good’: The Methodist saying that became a Clinton campaign slogan

    Television viewers who watched day two of the Democratic National Convention may have noticed signs with the words “Do All the Good” blanketing the crowd in the Wells Fargo Center. Like many Methodist kids, Clinton would have been taught the famous saying in church. Methodists usually attribute the words to John Wesley, one of the 18th century founders of the denomination, although as with the many apocryphal sayings of St. Francis, there’s no evidence that Wesley ever said or wrote the words.

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    Liz Goodwin

    Hillary seizes her moment

    Hillary Clinton accepted her party’s nomination Thursday night in a sweeping speech in which she promised to be a president for all Americans and presented a liberal agenda influenced by the ideas of Sen. Bernie Sanders’ supporters. Clinton also painted her Republican rival, Donald Trump, as a hotheaded, divisive figure who cannot be trusted as commander in chief. “He wants us to fear the future and fear each other,” Clinton said of Trump.

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    Yahoo Politics Staff

    Full text of Hillary Clinton’s speech at the DNC

    Democratic U.S. presidential nominee Hillary Clinton waves as she arrives to accept the nomination on the fourth and final night at the Democratic National Convention in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, U.S. July 28, 2016. Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton delivered the below remarks Thursday, July 28, 2016 at the Democratic National Convention in Philadelphia.

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    Lisa Belkin

    Chelsea shows a side of Hillary the public seldom sees

    Chelsea Clinton’s purpose was to make that possibility more likely, and to soften the image of a mother who many voters say they see as brittle, to paint a warmer portrait of a woman many voters say they do not like. “My earliest memory is my mom picking me up after I’d fallen down, giving me a big hug and reading me ‘Goodnight Moon’,” Chelsea said. Chelsea Clinton, embraces her mother, Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton, during the final day of the Democratic National Convention.

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