Talk of renewing passenger rail on CRANDIC line stalls in Johnson County

Hopes of reviving a long-dormant rail between Iowa City and Cedar Rapids seem to be fading as lawmakers consider other options.

It has been a goal of many Johnson County lawmakers to restart service on at least a portion of the 27-mile Cedar Rapids and Iowa City (CRANDIC) line that once operated commuter rail service between the cities. The line, owned by Travero, a subsidiary of Alliant Energy, hasn't been used for anything but freight since it ceased ferrying passengers in the corridor in the 1950s.

At a meeting last week of the Johnson County Metropolitan Planning Organization's Urbanized Area Policy Board, elected officials and other policymakers talked about possible alternative uses for the rail line. The tone of MPO representatives and the elected officials was far less optimistic about reviving the rail line than at a meeting in November, when the board considered a line from Iowa City to North Liberty.\

Previously: Could commuter rail return to the Iowa City area after 70 years? Lawmakers hope to spark renewal

The board received news this spring that the owners of CRANDIC were no longer interested in partnering with local governments to revive a commuter rail line. Despite this, CRANDIC communicated that it would not stand in the way of local governments, if they wished to go this route on their own.

Emily Bothell, a senior transportation planner with the MPO, told the board that CRANDIC is open to bus transit or passenger rail being used on the line, but the company wouldn't operate it.

A CRANDIC rail passenger car makes its final southbound crossing of the Iowa River towards its Iowa City station on May 30, 1953.
A CRANDIC rail passenger car makes its final southbound crossing of the Iowa River towards its Iowa City station on May 30, 1953.

Two alternatives for turning CRANDIC line into bus service

That prompted the MPO to propose other options for local governments to consider, including paving over the rail system to add a bus line with an adjacent multi-purpose trail. Finding a way to revive commuter rail was still an option presented to the board.

In a memo to the board, MPO Director Kent Ralston said bus service could be easier and more cost-effective and noted that there has been excitement around Iowa City's four new electric buses. Ralston was not present at the meeting last week.

Ralston said there are two potential methods to implement bus service in the corridor, "rail banking" or getting authorization for rail abandonment.

Rail banking is when a railroad company enters into an agreement with a government agency to use an out-of-service rail corridor for a multi-purpose trail or other approved use. Rail abandonment is when the rail line is discontinued and governments have the opportunity to purchase the right-of-way unless another rail company chooses to buy it. Rail companies have first-right to purchase under federal law.

Bothell said it is likely a company would try to purchase the rail line, but it is unknown if any specific company is interested.

Rail banking would guarantee the right-of-way for the CRANDIC line remains intact, but any bus service would have to be built with a multi-purpose trail running adjacent to it.

Despite asking the board to consider bus service instead of passenger rail, Ralston said the board can still seek to study passenger rail on the CRANDIC line more by forming a working group, hiring a design consultant and pursuing grant funding.

The memo said the alternative is to hire a consultant and start a feasibility study to pursue bus transit on CRANDIC.

Politicians want to keep right-of-way of rail line for future use

Johnson County Supervisor Rod Sullivan said the most important thing is to preserve the right-of-way of the rail line. He said that would allow future policymakers to consider the viability of passenger rail decades from now.

"Once it is gone, it is definitely gone," Sullivan said.

A Cambus bus drives below the CRANDIC rail line bridge on Iowa Avenue, Monday, Aug. 9, 2021, in Iowa City, Iowa.
A Cambus bus drives below the CRANDIC rail line bridge on Iowa Avenue, Monday, Aug. 9, 2021, in Iowa City, Iowa.

He said his preference is to keep the rails in place and avoid using the land for a bus line because there are already plenty of roads for buses to take in the corridor.

"I totally get the fact that no one has this budgeted," he said.

Johnson County allocated $100,000 from the American Rescue Plan Act to study rail transportation in the county.

Iowa City Councilor Laura Bergus said she thinks the key is that the board look at ways of providing transportation alternatives in the corridor outside of the highway systems, whether it is passenger rail or bus service with a trail adjacent to it.

"In a way that is safe and environmentally sound and accessible and easy," Bergus said. "Regardless of the timeline, that's something we really should not step away from."

Iowa City Councilor John Thomas, who chairs the board, said he thinks preserving the CRANDIC corridor right-of-way is important and that the option for bus transit is better with electric buses.

"It provides a much cleaner and smoother ride than a conventional bus. It would help distinguish it from our street systems as a means of travel," he said.

Bothell said that Ralston will continue working through details on any proposal on the CRANDIC lines with city managers from Johnson County and will likely have another update at the next Urbanized Area Policy Board meeting in July.

George Shillcock is the Press-Citizen's local government and development reporter covering Iowa City and Johnson County. He can be reached at (515) 350-6307, [email protected] and on Twitter @ShillcockGeorge

This article originally appeared on Iowa City Press-Citizen: Johnson County now considering buses, not trains, on old CRANDIC line