Tempers flare during take-home vehicle conversation, commissioners criticized for lawn furniture purchase

The discussion at a recent Owen County Board of Commissioners meeting on parking take-home vehicles fueled a fracas.

The commissioners began the take-home vehicle discussion by listing the take-home vehicles that they can park and noting that they have already parked the take-home vehicle for the county maintenance superintendent.

“This time last year fuel was about $2.70, 75 cents. I don't have to tell you right now it’s almost double that. Again, we need to look at every avenue that we can to help these budgets. So Bob, do you make a motion to park the commissioner-appointed vehicles for no more take home vehicles until further notice?” President Gary Burton said.

Commissioner Bob Curry made the motion.

It was then that resident Allan McBride asked to clarify that the commissioners were including the emergency vehicles driven by Cris Lunsford for EMS and Jack White for EMA. McBride also works as a dispatcher for the county.

“They’re not the same as the sheriff’s department,” Burton said.

McBride pointed out that White and Lunsford both respond to emergencies in the middle of the night. Curry said that they aren’t out there at midnight, which McBride said does happen.

Sheriff Sam Hobbs then chimed in.

“I’m going to jump in. I don’t mean to discredit anybody but you’re wrong,” Hobbs said. “I know both of these gentlemen come out and go on calls. They don’t come into the office and then go.”

Hobbs said that he has been on calls when both men come in their county vehicles.

He estimated that the cost for White to take his vehicle home is approximately $250 per year.

“Now somebody’s life is worth more than $250,” Hobbs said. “Cris Lunsford is the same way.”

He then asked, “How much are you saving? Have you figured it up?”

“It’s kind of hard to do,” Curry said.

“Here is the bottom line, some people don’t like Jack White. I’ll call it like I see it. It’s what it boils down to, but I’ve been in a situation, Allan McBride has been in a situation and Cris Lunsford has been in a situation where we called him (White) and he had to go do something for us in an emergency situation and not come into his office. These guys are in critical situations for the county,” Hobbs said. “I know you’re trying to save money and I really appreciate it, gas is high, but this is wrong. This is the wrong decision to make.”

“How much would $5,000 save for them to continue to use their vehicles?” McBride asked.

“It would give somebody a raise,” Burton said.

McBride held up a copy of the catalog and invoice for the new courthouse lawn furniture that was approved at the June 6 meeting.

“Send this back,” he said. “You three spent $5,000 for lawn furniture, lawn furniture.”

“Out of a budget that doesn’t effect…” Burton began.

“I don’t care where it came from,” McBride said. “It’s taxpayer money. It’s my money.”

“I can also take away the clinic,” Burton said.

“Do whatever you think you need to do. That’s kind of how you’re running things, isn’t it?” McBride said.

“No, but we still…” Burton began.

“This is $5,000 for lawn furniture that you three agreed to put out on this courthouse lawn, and you’re going to turn around and take these emergency responders' vehicles away?” McBride questioned. “Take away the clinic? That was a threat. I’m a taxpayer. Don’t threaten me with that clinic again.”

Burton tried to say that it was not time for public comment, and McBride pointed out that Burton said there’s freedom of speech when speaking out of turn at the County Council meeting the week before.

“There was a mistake made on my own taxes, and your assessor won’t fix it,” McBride said, adding that the reason they won’t fix it is because they are not changing anything entered by the former assessor. “So I’m paying it. So by God, I’m going to watch for my money. That was the most irresponsible expense I’ve ever seen in my life, and you’re going to take away their emergency vehicles? What a joke.”

“I’ve been on the emergency side of both of these guys right here in critical situations. For what you’re trying to save, and I appreciate that you’re trying to save, it’s not worth it because somebody’s life is worth a whole lot more than just $250,” Hobbs said, adding that Lunsford comes in and helps because he is short staffed. “Whether you think that they don’t do much or they don’t do anything, whatever, I’ve heard it all about Mr. White. He’s the kind of guy that you hope you never have to call, but I also know one thing that when I do call him and need something, or anybody else, he’s the guy you need on that end, and to save $250 is not worth it.”

“Well we can table this until further discussion and put some numbers together, but it costs $140 to fill that pick up truck up,” Burton said.

White’s take home vehicle is a 2012 Dodge Ram 1500. According to fueleconomy.gov, the vehicle averages about 15 miles per gallon. Because of White’s vacation and personal day accrual and county holidays, there are 221 working days if he works only Monday through Friday.

According to public records, White’s home is approximately three miles from the county courthouse, and based on this information, White would use 88.4 gallons of gasoline to take his take-home vehicle to and from work per year.

At the average consumer price of $5 per gallon, which does not account for any contract or reduced pricing that the county receives as a government entity, the cost of White taking his vehicle home is approximately $442.

Lunsford’s vehicle is an Advanced Life Support or ALS non-transport vehicle, which means it is equipped with nearly all of the same things as an ambulance but cannot transport a patient.

“Put some limitations on where the others that you didn’t take away are going too. We get complaints all the time for being out of the county,” McBride said.

“He has to drive his vehicle,” Hobbs pointed out to Burton. “The only gas that you’re trying to save is what he drives back and forth to work. That’s all you’re saving. You’re not saving what he drives during the day.”

“Draining the ocean with a thimble,” McBride said.

“I understand that you’re trying to save money, but this is a drop in the bucket that doesn’t amount to a hill of beans,” Hobbs said.

Curry said that they could keep the vehicles for now but asked them to not let them idle to save on gasoline costs.

“Let’s try to be a little bit thrifty on the fuel we’re using and stuff; the same way that your deputies do Sam. Let’s try to work together. I don’t want to fight with anybody, and I definitely don’t want to fight you,” Curry said pointing to McBride before levying a personal attack. “You quit your job and left this county because you didn't think you were getting enough and came back and begging for it two days later.”

“Pardon me?” McBride asked.

“You come back begging for your job two days later,” Curry said.

“Bob, we'll talk about this later man to man. By the way the company will take that furniture back. I called them. They’ll take it back,” McBride said.

“It’s not your business,” Curry said.

“I’m sorry? I’m a taxpayer. That’s not my business? Oh my goodness,” McBride said.

Curry said something that was indiscernible.

“You guys think differently. You think because I’m a county employee I don’t have the right to speak,” McBride said.

“I didn’t say you didn’t have a right to speak,” Curry said.

“You just told me it wasn’t my business, Bob,” McBride said.

“You just want to argue regardless,” Curry said.

“No, I want something done financially responsible. Fiscally responsible is the words you guys used at the last meeting. There’s nobody out here that disagrees with me. They just won’t say it. Check where your vehicles you aren’t taking are out on Friday nights. Check them. We get complaints on them all the time. You'd be real surprised if you knew that,” McBride said.

With that, McBride stepped out of the room until the public comment portion of the meeting. He then spoke again.

“I got up and walked out of the room because I did not want to agitate your meeting more than I already had,” McBride said. “I will not walk out of this meeting before I will tell you. I did not beg for my job back. I have dedicated my life to this community. I was told, it’s not your business, but I was told because of a medical condition that I have that it was going to cost me money to go up there. You’re right I was looking for money because I d*mn well deserve more than what I was paid, but I will not walk out of this meeting and have you degrade me for what I have done, the lives I have saved, the babies I have helped born, the hours that I have worked, and the time I have given for you to sit up there and tell me I beg for my job back. I didn’t beg for nothing. If somebody told you that, they’re a d*** liar. You owe me an apology Bob Curry. I’ve known you all my life. I’ve supported you all my life. You owe me an apology.”

McBride walked out again.

When it came time for the commissioner's comments portion of the meeting, Curry said, “I think I’ve said too much.”

He then continued, “I apologize for some of my things and stuff, but when anger comes towards me, anger comes back. Trash in, trash out. And I apologize. I really do. I really let my temper get to me. I’m an elected official, and we’ve all had our disagreements and stuff, and I try to be a gentleman, and I do apologize. And I am very sorry, but I don’t like being called a liar and [to have a] finger pointed at me either.”

This article originally appeared on Evening World: Owen County Indiana Commissioners: Tempers flare at recent meeting