Thanks for nothing, Evers. Excluding couples, retirees from tax relief is wrong. | Letters

As a lifelong resident and longtime Wisconsin taxpayer, I am disappointed in Gov. Tony Evers’ decision to exclude my family and many others from tax relief that we could have realized by the bill passed to give expanded tax credit to retirees though excluding income up to the first $75,000 (“Governor vetoes 3 tax bills,” March 2).

Furthermore, it was an additional insult by not increasing the state tax credit for married couples. This would have helped promote legal marriage and nuclear families in Wisconsin. Instead, the many unmarried couples and single parents get rewarded and have no incentive from our government to get married, and the married retired couples who have grown children get nothing.

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How about Oprah? There are better celebs to represent us than Jeffrey Dahmer.

A negative influence on democracy. McConnell leaves lasting impact in Wisconsin. 

What kind of message does this send to Wisconsin residents about the sanctity of marriage and supporting a two-parent household? How about rewarding couples that make a long-term commitment and dedication to each other through getting and remaining married.

Residents such as myself who have worked and paid taxes all our lives to Wisconsin finally had a chance to be appreciated for their contribution and get relief by the retiree tax credit. We have billions of dollars in surplus but get shunned by the governor’s veto.

If there wasn’t enough money left to include married/retired tax credit increases, then maybe we should reduce the already generous child tax credit so that the tax break could be applied to these other important residents of Wisconsin who were forgotten with these vetoes.

Brian J. Scott, Milwaukee

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This article originally appeared on Milwaukee Journal Sentinel: Evers rejects income tax credit for married couples and retirees