Trump finds time to tweet before meeting with Kim Jong Un

Just hours before Donald Trump was scheduled to meet with North Korean leader Kim Jong Un in Singapore, the president was drawn back to Twitter where he took aim (albeit with poor spelling) at domestic critics.

With much of the world focused on the historic summit between the two leaders, Trump also made sure to press his case that his administration had been good for the U.S. economy.

Of course, the stakes for Trump’s gamble to meet with Kim remain incredibly high, and the administration spent much of the day downplaying the chances for a lasting breakthrough. Early meetings between North Korean diplomats and U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo have reportedly yielded new security concessions from the American side while human rights concerns remain sidelined.

A man watches a TV news program about the summit at the Seoul Railway Station in South Korea on Monday. (Photo: Ahn Young-joon/AP)
A man watches a TV news program about the summit at the Seoul Railway Station in South Korea on Monday. (Photo: Ahn Young-joon/AP)

“We’re prepared to take actions that will provide them sufficient certainty that they can be comfortable that denuclearization isn’t something that ends badly for them — indeed, just the opposite, that it leads to a better, brighter future for the North Korean people,” Pompeo told reporters Monday.

The air of uncertainty was confirmed by Trump himself.

For Trump, Singapore represents a golden opportunity to overshadow the negative headlines he generated from a contentious G-7 summit. One gets the sense, however, that whatever transpires across the negotiating table, it won’t take long for the president to tweet about it.

Even after he entered his motorcade and began heading to the momentous meeting with Jong Un, Trump couldn’t help but fire off one more message to his followers.


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