Charlie Kirk's genius plan to court women voters: Call them bitter and blame birth control

We now know what is wrong with women, courtesy of one of Arizona’s most influential Republicans.

Well, besides the fact that we’re apparently over the hill by the time we reach 30, that is.

It’s birth control.

Charlie Kirk, whose Turning Point USA organization first took over the Arizona Republican Party and now is a dominant force in GOP circles across the nation, says the scourge of birth control has made women “angry and bitter.”

Birth control is the problem, Kirk says

While young men are “the most conservative they’ve been in 50 years,” it seems young women are “not conservative” and birth control is to blame.

“Abortion’s obviously part of it, but they’ve been sold a lie through culture, through media, through even some of their parents that you basically have to go pursue this corporate trajectory, and that men are always the problem, and suppress your biological impulses,” he said during a recent Turning Point event.

“A lot of them are on birth control, too. And birth control like really screws up female brains, by the way. Every single one of you need to make sure that your loved ones are not on birth control. It increases depression, anxiety, suicidal ideation.

“Birth control is the number one prescribed medication for young ladies under the age of 25. They will give young ladies birth control for pimples, for acne, to control their moods, their period. It is awful, it’s terrible, and it creates very angry and bitter young ladies and young women.

“Then that bitterness then manifests into a political party that is the bitter party. I mean, the Democrat Party is all about ‘bring us your bitterness and, you know, we’ll give you free stuff.’ ”

No wonder moderate women are leaving

Charlie Kirk gives the opening speech during AmericaFest 2023 at the Phoenix Convention Center on Saturday, Dec. 16, 2023.
Charlie Kirk gives the opening speech during AmericaFest 2023 at the Phoenix Convention Center on Saturday, Dec. 16, 2023.

Gee, and you wonder why the Republican Party is losing moderate Republican women … the ones who helped install Democrats into both of Arizona’s U.S. Senate seats and as governor, secretary of state and attorney general?

Kirk is a major figure in GOP politics, a guy whose youth organization has transformed the Arizona Republican Party from its once-dominant role into an organization that now struggles to pay its rent.

One of his hard right lieutenants, Turning Point USA’s chief operating officer Tyler Bowyer, is the Arizona’s Republican national committeeman.

Another, Sen. Jake Hoffman, essentially runs the Legislature as head of the Arizona Freedom Caucus and hopes to be Arizona’s next representative on the RNC.

It was Kirk’s group that sent its goons to ambush and harass a gay ASU instructor as he walked across campus, prompting a call by Hoffman’s gang to defund the university.

It was Kirk who orchestrated the ouster of Republican National Committee Chairwoman Ronna McDaniel. That is, when he wasn’t ranting about the Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. (“MLK was awful. He’s not a good person”), Black airline pilots (“If I see a Black pilot, I’m going to be like, ‘Boy, I hope he’s qualified”) and Taylor Swift (“Does Taylor Swift have any eggs left?”).

Women have been brainwashed, Kirk says

Meanwhile, the once-Grand Old Party scratches its head and wonders why so many suburban female voters have deserted them.

Perhaps it’s because a fair number of those voters endorse the idea that women should have the opportunity to exert some control over the trajectory of their lives — even if it means there may be a risk of depresssion associated with birth control pills.

Kirk, however, explains that women have been brainwashed into thinking “don’t get married, don’t have kids, go get a corporate job.”

“It’s created mass political hysteria,” he said. “And then in their early 30s they get really upset because they say, ‘you know, the boys don’t want to date me anymore,’ because they’re not at their prime and people get mad when I say that — well, it’s just true.

AZ GOP is on the ropes: And not just because of abortion

“You’re in your early 30s, I’m sorry, you’re not as attractive in the dating pool as you were in your early 20s, but again, you have your corporate job and cats so I thought, you know. And I feel sorry for a lot of these young ladies. They email me all the time and they say, ‘Charlie, I’m broken down in tears, I’m 33, I earn $130,000 a year, I travel a lot, and I have no one to share my life with.’

“And I hope they find somebody in time, and that’s the way they always frame it. They’re like, ‘I’m running out of time, I’m running out of time, I’m running out of time,’ and it’s like well, the culture did this to you, but you also made a decision. You made a decision consciously to not date with the intent to marry, and it creates a lot of bad consequences.”

This is how Republicans win them back?

Fortunately, Kirk — who, by the way, is 30 and thus presumably also on the downhill slide — has a plan to win back all those bitter, unhappy young women.

Just get them a date then squire them down the aisle.

“If you are a 32-year-old young lady who went to college, who has a nice apartment, a corporate job, and cats, you know, you’re a Democrat voter, right?” Kirk noted.

“And so, how do we win them over? …. What’s amazing is once they get married, they become 50-50. Once they have kids, they become like right-wing by 20 points.”

I can see the new Republican Party slogan now:

A chicken in every pot and no birth control pills in your purse.

Reach Roberts at [email protected]. Follow her on X, formerly Twitter, at @LaurieRoberts or on Threads at laurierobertsaz.

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This article originally appeared on Arizona Republic: Birth control is why women are so 'bitter,' Charlie Kirk says