Unsure who to vote for in Pinal County supervisor election? Hear from the candidates


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The upcoming election will determine who sits on the Pinal County Board of Supervisors.

All of the county's top seats are up for grabs in 2024. Once rural, it is now one of the state's fastest-growing counties and is increasingly facing questions about its future. Its leaders must navigate rapid population growth and economic development needs, among other issues.

Only District 1, which covers the western edge of the county, will have a contested election. Republican Rich Vitiello, a former member of the Maricopa City Council, will face former Coolidge City Councilmember George Arredondo Sr., a Democrat, in the November election.

The victor will replace outgoing Supervisor Kevin Cavanagh, who lost the county's GOP primary for sheriff.

The Arizona Republic asked each candidate questions about their bid for office and how they would handle key issues if elected — GOP candidates set to be unopposed in Districts 2 and 3 in November didn't respond. Here's what the rest had to say. Answers may have been slightly edited for clarity and brevity.

Budgeting: Where would you increase or decrease county spending?

One of the primary responsibilities of the Board of Supervisors is to control the county’s checkbook. What areas of county government would you prioritize in your ideal county budget? Would you decrease spending in any areas? Please be as specific as possible within the word limit.

Rich Vitiello, Republican, District 1: Public safety is my top priority. Not only does that support extend to the sheriff and all the personnel employed by the Sheriff's Office, but also to local police, the Arizona Department of Public Safety, firefighters, healthcare workers and support staff. Public safety and transportation infrastructure are essential government functions. As a fiscal conservative, I look to support essential government services and cut out unnecessary spending. I’m like that in my own home. I’m reluctant to commit to increasing or decreasing a department’s budget, and thus resources, without a closer examination of the line items, tax revenue, and quantified and reliable growth projections and their effects.

I believe the government has a fiduciary duty to care for taxpayer dollars. As the county is growing, any increase or decrease in spending should be proportionate to tax revenue, in line with public needs and vital and essential government functions. I am firmly of the belief that an increase in tax revenue for essential government services does not come from raising taxes, but from broadening the tax base through prosperity. As businesses succeed and our population increases, tax revenue will multiply and necessary county services may be supported.

George Arredondo, Democrat, District 1: The county has some catching up to do before it establishes a new baseline. The current reactionary approach has and will continue to cost the county more than it would by taking the necessary steps to address its personnel salary issues and capital projects, along with county infrastructure such as roads and robust network that supports the county. The current funding is at “parity,” but does not address shortfalls, putting the county at risk.

They built a $32 million dollar election facility in a short time. Though I agree it was a necessary requirement, we cannot afford to pay a premium to get these and other capital projects on the books. With proper planning, we could have potentially saved millions of dollars. We cannot afford to build county facilities in an ad hoc manner, wasting taxpayers’ dollars. As a growing county, we need to ensure that county services such as public safety, emergency services, permitting and transportation grow in proportion to its population. I’m striving for an efficient and effective government to meet our obligations in serving the people. Our tax base has increased, and we need to be good stewards and frugal on how we rightsize the county to complement its growth.

Jeff McClure, District 4: The budget as a whole is very important. Much work has gone into helping departments, countywide, receive the funds necessary to conduct operations in a successful way, have the ability to hire qualified applicants and retain those that already work there. One of my priorities in my next term is to bolster the Community Development Department, as it is quite often the first face of the county that citizens see.

Jeff Serdy, District 5: It seems about 80% of citizens' concerns are regarding roads. We need more roads, we need new roads or we need to fix the ones we have. As much funding as possible should be allocated for transportation as well as law enforcement. Due to the federal government's policies, our residents feel less safe every day, so we can't scrimp on the Sheriff's Office. As for decreases — they seem to work themselves out as staff goes over the budget.

Growth: How would you address continued population increases?

In recent years, Pinal County has experienced rapid growth. That has tested the region’s roads and left many areas of county government understaffed, among other issues. How would you position and prepare the county to navigate the ongoing influx of new residents?

Vitiello, Republican, District 1: Real estate development is a big issue in my district. Much of District 1, as well as the county as a whole, is rural. Finding a balance between property owners who wish to subdivide and develop their land for their needs and purposes, and existing homeowners who don’t want encroachment or want the surrounding land to remain as-is, is a challenge. Future development is projected to tax the current roads and infrastructure, so improvements will need to be made to support these newly planned communities, whatever their size.

Utilities, including water resources, must be guaranteed and accounted for by developers. Our county’s transportation infrastructure has a large influence over business development and economic growth. Jobs don’t magically appear unless businesses can get their goods and services to market and residents can safely get home.

Current infrastructure needs to be maintained, repaired and replaced as needed. This means no part or issue of future development or current use can be ignored. As to the specifics of positioning and preparing the county, the economic development staff is tasked with those duties. As I stated, any increase or decrease in spending should be proportionate to tax revenue, in line with public needs and vital and essential government functions.

Arredondo, Democrat, District 1: Salaries need to be competitive to attract and maintain quality staff supporting all levels of county government. County managers and department heads need to correctly classify their subordinate positions and rightsize their staff. I will ensure these are a priority for county leadership. Federal, state and county transportation investments need to occur at all levels.

New development and developers will have to do their part in developing roads within the arteries they connect to. They need to be part of the solution, not part of the problem — pay to grow. I will ensure developers are part of the solution. I support the extension of the half-cent transportation tax that funds the county's road repairs. Additionally, the Pinal Regional Transportation Authority needs to be properly structured and managed to meet the county’s growing needs balancing district requirements to avoid the failures of the past.

Protect the county’s rural character, open space and property values. We’re not here to develop cities but to manage rural communities that provide a safe, affordable and enduring environment away from the hustle-and-bustle of our bigger cities. Planning and zoning are key to these efforts, working with city governments, the public and developers. This plan needs to be strategic and to protect everyone’s enduring interests and expectations.

McClure, District 4: Part of this answer is included in my answer to the first question. The roadways are difficult, as there was really no forethought to transportation issues when Pinal County was beginning to grow in the early 2000s. Now, we have homes where some of the roads should be and an inability to widen some of them, or even purchase some of the rights of way necessary to lay out a regional plan.

We are working on solutions to these issues. One will be to extend State Highway 24, first to the Central Arizona Project Canal and eventually to U.S. Route 60. Then, we will construct a north-south corridor down to Ironwood Road, eventually connecting to Interstate 10. These types of projects take many years but need to be on the planning horizon now so that we can take advantage of opportunities for funding as they arise.

Serdy, District 5: We're such a large county. I hope to continue to staff the satellite offices with personnel nearer to where employees and residents live. This will not only be convenient for citizens that live in the area, but also offer a more pleasant commute for employees.

Economic development: How do you plan to bring jobs to Pinal County?

Most of Pinal County’s working residents are employed in neighboring Maricopa or Pima counties. If elected, what steps would you take to promote economic development in your district and countywide?

Vitiello, Republican, District 1: I will listen to constituents, learning about their needs and how I can best be able to serve them. Attracting an employment base requires a combination of housing, business development and infrastructure. Positioning the county for success requires specific planning and foresight. The Board of Supervisors advocates for all of Pinal County based not only upon current, but future, needs. The county manager appoints and directs the economic development staff, who advise the board. While the board sets policy, procedure and execution remain with the county manager and staff.

The economic development staff may support businesses by understanding the role of government and operating within statutes and ordinances, as well as referrals for support for training and employment services. Economic development must be a cooperative effort between the public and private sectors, but the implementation of economic development must be done within the private sector. In other words, the county needs to be hands-off in private business, providing freedom from bureaucratic interference, which allows people to prosper.

Arredondo, Democrat, District 1: District 1 is composed of great agriculture potential between both the Gila River Indian Community and Ak Chin Indian Community, along with surrounding private land in agriculture production. With limited water resources, tribal lands will increase their influence meeting our food, fiber and natural resources. Together we can work to meet the needs of a growing population. The Indian communities boundaries complement our rural character and the open space that we treasure.

Additionally, collaboration between new industries coming within the district or Indian communities can only help in benefiting everyone within the district and county. I want to see more small businesses take advantage of the growth, providing more personal goods and services tailored to those who live in our communities. I would encourage new industries and economic development that can thrive within the limited resources we have, with low water usage and environmentally compatible in the area it’s being established. We need to have a well-educated workforce to be successful in our economic ventures. Our schools, vocational schools and colleges all need to be integrated into this economic development. I would see that industry, public and community partners are engaged in this effort to complement cities' and rural communities’ goals.

McClure, District 4: Economic development is somewhat tricky. The county can not just call up a company and tell them to come build. Site selectors shop areas of interest looking for inexpensive land, traffic flow, population density, a stable local government, affordable homes and good schools. We must continue to build homes to be able to cause the market to have enough saturation, but also be very cognizant of the water issues looming in the near future. It is a delicate balance to achieve.

Serdy, District 5: In District 5, tourism continues to be an untapped resource. We have so much beauty and things to do here, but we don't yet fully capitalize on it as well as other regions do. The area where the new LG Energy Solution plant is going is a natural fit for light industry. We have enough homes in the vicinity, so let's get them some unobtrusive jobs nearby.

Government relations: How will you work with state lawmakers and others to address issues facing the county?

Counties are arms of the state and have only specific powers prescribed in Arizona law. If elected, how would you lobby state lawmakers and other officials to address issues facing the county? Would you advocate for increased powers at the county level — and if so, what ones?

Vitiello, Republican, District 1 Where appropriate, the county is dependent on the state to provide certain funding and assistance of resources. But I believe in limited government and a reduction of government and bureaucratic interference. What I would lobby for is local control over local issues. However, certain issues require state support or funding. Cooperative efforts between public safety resources — Department of Public Safety, the Sheriff's Office, etc. — are a necessity, as well as transportation infrastructure along state-funded or owned highways.

Arredondo, Democrat, District 1: State lawmakers need to keep from imposing laws that place undue burdens on the county and its communities. Changes in zoning rules and regulations are best left to the counties. Each county has its own unique geographic area and is best managed by the county over state laws that try to impose one-size-fits-all “legislation." This mindset does not do any favor to the 15 counties within the state.

I will advocate ensuring laws are passed to protect and reinforce the county's authority to determine its destiny. The state's focus should be on transportation, infrastructure and access to health care through both traditional and nontraditional services like telemedicine with budgets to support them. Extending the state employees’ healthcare plans to county employees should also be evaluated to provide our employees with a new or additional healthcare option.

In addition to advocating for these and other policy issues with our state elected senators and representatives, I would take an active approach with the County Supervisor Association to advocate for these and other common county interests. I will partner with similar-minded organizations within the county, such as Central Arizona Governments, Pinal Alliance for Economic Growth and Pinal Partnership, that will advocate for common interests.

McClure, District 4: One of the largest issues presently facing the county is the water recharge issue. Legislators have made it difficult for the county by trying to exclude us from certain legislation regarding this subject. We will have to fight hard this next term to bring some resolution to this issue.

Environmental legislation: The fate of Arizona's recent environmental legislation: 25 bills introduced, one new law

Serdy, District 5: My district is dominated by state trust land. It is frustrating that the landowner, the state, doesn't patrol their holdings with their own law enforcement. Instead, it falls on the Sheriff's Office, which gets no reimbursement for doing the state's job. I hope to change that. We must also keep our state representatives on the hunt to bring us transportation money.

Elections: How confident are you in election results?

Pinal County supervisors are responsible for certifying election results. The county also recently saw a rough 2022 election cycle. How confident are you in the certified results of the 2020 and 2022 elections? Regardless of your answer, how would you work to improve election administration in the county?

Vitiello, Republican, District 1: I’m going to limit my comments to the elections in Pinal County. The situation since 2022 has changed and, in my opinion, improved. I have confidence in our current county recorder, Dana Lewis, to do the job she was appointed to do. I have spoken with her many times and so far, I have had no complaints. After all, she was appointed in great part to clean up messes from the prior election administrators.

As to the certification of the prior election results, there is no time machine to turn back those events. My own Maricopa City Council election was affected in 2022, but I’m not going to cry over spilled milk. I’m going to move forward and learn from the mistakes of the past. I think we’ve moved past them. I have confidence that the division of labor, staff organization and facilities under our current county recorder will improve the administration of our county elections.

Arredondo, Democrat, District 1: I am confident that the audit, review and legal challenges resolved or discredited alleged discrepancies, following the rule of law, with corrective measures taken to resolve known issues. The election staffers' burden is to ensure internal controls and processes are executed flawlessly. Poll workers and staff will need to be well trained and consistent in administrating the election process. We need to ensure equipment and personnel are secured and protected from those who wish to do them harm, as well as the election process.

Equally, the electorate needs to be protected from intimidation and harassment for exercising their right to vote. I will ensure we properly fund our Elections Department and utilize the Sheriff’s Office and local police to protect voters, personnel, equipment and the integrity of our elections. I’ll hold those accountable, at any level, who wish to do harm to the democratic principles of our republic. Process or technical errors need to be disclosed and adjudicated with established procedures or statutory requirements. We must be able to acknowledge missteps or errors and work through them without alienating staff whose objective is to provide a flawless outcome. As candidates, it’s our responsibility to call out misinformation and help protect the process.

McClure, District 4: I believe we have ascertained what our previous issues have been in the last two election cycles and have worked diligently to correct past mistakes and put our best foot forward to have successful elections in the years to come.

Serdy, District 5: I feel very good about pushing to bring the elections back under our very capable county recorder. It was a big mistake by a previous administration to put it under an elections director. I'm hoping for a seamless process this election season.

On a personal note: Who do you admire?

What person in public life, past or present, do you most admire, and why?

Vitiello, Republican, District 1: Ronald Reagan. President Reagan led the nation during a time of high inflation and stagnation, reducing the perception of America as weak to one of domestic and international pride and strength. Domestically, President Reagan’s conservative policies moved government interference in the economy toward a hands-off approach, allowing the economy to grow and inflation to be curbed. Deregulation fostered business-friendly policies that created jobs, brought down gas prices and stimulated the economy. He initiated the privatization of government functions and moved toward a less activist government not only in business, but also in personal affairs and the judiciary.

Economic development was fostered by people having confidence in their own ability to solve problems, not further dependency on government guidance and interference. Unfortunately, in the years since, we’ve seen a reversal of this trend. President Reagan was not only conservative domestically but internationally as well. His helping to end the Soviet Union was an accomplishment that freed millions of people from the yoke of communism, allowing them to make choices and end lives under tyranny. We approached the Soviet Union from a position of strength, rather than negotiate from a position of weakness. This allowed the U.S. to reaffirm our commitment to our allies, including, but not limited to, Israel.

Arredondo, Democrat, District 1: I was torn between the first President of the United States, George Washington, and President Abraham Lincoln. George Washington was a man who could have been king if he so desired. He believed in the words of our Constitution, as imperfect as it may have been during his time — slavery was not addressed until the Civil War. He also set precedents and established the first norms of the presidency. Abraham Lincoln was burdened with the Civil War, addressing the issue of slavery through the Emancipation Proclamation. He saw the cost of war firsthand and the burdens that come with that.

Both men served in wars that were related to the birth of our nation and the rebirth of a nation dedicating that all men are created equal. Both knew the cost of war and the sacrifices made. Having served three combat tours in two wars, I have seen the burdens and sacrifices men and women now make for their country. I can only imagine the sacrifices we made are just a fraction of what these two great presidents endured along with the men under their stead. It’s unfortunate that not too many realize how such sacrifices, past or present, preserve this union.

McClure, District 4: Did not answer this question.

Serdy, District 5: In my private business life, I've always admired the way Sam Walton built an empire and delivered a great product with only a 10th-grade education. Since the business has now been turned over to college boys, it's taken a step backwards and lost its charm. On the political side, Teddy Roosevelt and Donald Trump stunned their peers and changed the culture of how effectively the presidency could operate.

See all the races for Arizona

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Voter guide: Election Day is Nov. 5. Here is a guide to help you learn about all the candidates and the voting and tabulating process.

This article originally appeared on Arizona Republic: Pinal County supervisors election: Meet the candidates