Vance accused Walz of 'stolen valor.' He should thank him for his service instead.

As a military spouse for nearly two decades, I am offended by Republican vice presidential nominee JD Vance’s speech accusing Tim Walz of stolen valor.

Walz’s service to our nation ? not only as a military service member but also as a teacher, coach and elected leader ? deserves our thanks.

Walz, the Democratic vice presidential nominee and the governor of Minnesota, was a decorated officer in the National Guard. He dedicated 24 years of his life to the service of our nation.

But because Walz did not endure a combat deployment, Republicans have mocked his service, calling it stolen valor. Vance’s remarks are not only disrespectful to Walz and all who have served but they also have far-reaching consequences for society’s perception of military service.

Walz's military career is not a case of stolen valor. While some veterans may refer to Walz as a "slick sleeve" because he did not deploy during a time of war, Walz’s military career sans deployment is not uncommon. Nearly 40% of service members do not deploy while in the military.

Vance's attempt to discredit Walz’s service is weak and tasteless at best.

Vance turned military service into a partisan attack line

Both vice president hopefuls have served in the military, but their service is not created equal in the eyes of partisan politics.

Vance served in the Marines for four years, with a six-month tour to Iraq as a military journalist. He, too, has admitted to never having seen combat, but that did not stop him from attacking a fellow veteran.

"This is nothing more than a political attack," retired Marine Corps Gunnery Sgt. Deonte Cole told me. "Real integrity isn't just about wearing a uniform. It's about embodying the values that come with it. Vance's reckless smears show a deep disconnect from the honor and respect that define true service. He simply doesn't get it. Walz's 24 years of dedicated service are beyond reproach and no amount of political mudslinging will change that."

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When a veteran’s service is dismissed, it sends a message that their sacrifice was not valuable.

By trying to discredit Walz's military service for political gain, Vance has turned both men's military service into a political tool rather than a shared value.

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Vance's criticism of Walz was more than a personal attack ? it was an assault on the values that uphold the honor and respect for service members.

Vance is following former President Donald Trump's anti-veteran rhetorical path to garner media attention and gain like-minded followers. That won't work for Vance, who is having a hard time forging his own path in this tumultuous presidential campaign.

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Vance missed an opportunity to promote unity

Republican vice presidential nominee JD Vance campaigns on Aug. 6, 2024, in Philadelphia.
Republican vice presidential nominee JD Vance campaigns on Aug. 6, 2024, in Philadelphia.

Vance had a great opportunity to bring unity and integrity to the main stage as a veteran, but instead, he chose to use their incredibly impactful shared experience to demean Walz for his lack of combat deployments.

Vance's attack was merely a distraction, and as voters, we must not be distracted; we have to reject attempts to politicize or diminish the sacrifices of those who have served.

Instead, there should be a collective effort to honor and support all veterans, regardless of their political affiliations or public opinions.

Just as people should thank Vance for his military service, he, too, should thank Walz for his.

Marla Bautista is a military fellow columnist at USA TODAY Opinion.

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This article originally appeared on USA TODAY: Vance's attack on Walz's military service disrespects veterans