Vos recall organizer launches second effort after first one fails

MADISON - An organizer of a recall effort against Wisconsin's Assembly speaker has launched a second recall effort now that the first one is on pace to fail without enough signatures and allegations of widespread fraud.

Matthew Snorek of Burlington filed paperwork with the Wisconsin Elections Commission on Wednesday indicating his intention to circulate a new recall petition against Speaker Robin Vos of Rochester.

The new effort comes at a time when Snorek's first recall effort is under investigation by the Racine County district attorney over allegations of fraudulent signatures committed by petition circulators, some of whom are felons, according to a review conducted by Vos.

The new recall petitions are due by May 28, according to the Wisconsin Elections Commission.

Supporters of presumptive GOP presidential nominee Donald Trump are seeking to oust Vos over his criticism of Trump and his unwillingness to break the law and undo the 2020 Wisconsin presidential election.

Recall organizers in March submitted to the WEC more than 10,000 signatures — nearly 4,000 more than required. But elections commission staff determined the recall organizers didn't obtain enough signatures from residents in the district Vos was elected in when the recall began, falling about 945 signatures short.

The recall committee has acknowledged the signatures the group submitted included forgeries but blamed the crime on "sabotage" and unidentified participants "recruiting individuals from outside Wisconsin."

According to the paperwork for the new recall effort, Snorek is seeking to recall Vos over baseless allegations of Vos' "tacit support for the Chinese Communist Party."

Snorek also cited "flagrant disrespect for his own constituents" by referring to recall organizers as "whack jobs," "morons," and "idiots" ? names Vos used to describe the recall organizers at an event in Madison earlier this month.

Vos and Snorek didn't immediately respond to requests for interviews about the new recall effort.

Snorek formed a new recall committee for the effort, according to the commission.

The move comes as his first recall committee is asking a Dane County judge to extend the deadline for the group to respond to challenges made by Vos to the group's first set of petition signatures.

Vos in his challenge alleged thousands were from people who didn't live in the correct district. He also argued the petitions included forged signatures and were circulated by felons in some cases, which is against state law.

Racine County District Attorney Patricia Hanson as of earlier this month was investigating nearly 30 complaints from area residents who said their signatures were forged by the recall organizers.

Jessie Opoien of the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel contributed to this report.

Molly Beck can be reached at [email protected].

This article originally appeared on Milwaukee Journal Sentinel: Robin Vos recall organizer starts second effort after first one fails