WTF: Hospital Trust in the UK Admits to ‘Missed Opportunities’ During MF DOOM’s Treatment

Photo:  Roger Kisby (Getty Images)
Photo: Roger Kisby (Getty Images)

As more details come out about the circumstances of MF DOOM’s death, it’s becoming more clear that his unfortunate passing could have been avoided altogether.

Just days after DOOM’s wife, Jasmin Dumile Thompson, revealed the less-than-ideal conditions her husband was living in prior to his death, an NHS trust apologized for the care given to Metal Face.

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The beloved MC died while in the care of St. James’s Hospital in Leeds, England. During an inquest, it was revealed that DOOM died due to a lack of oxygen in his brain, which was caused by angioedema, a reaction that causes the swelling of the deeper layers of the skin, such as the throat, tongue, and lips, according to Leeds Live.

The reaction was a rare side effect of taking ACE inhibitors.

During the inquest, the Leeds Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust, which is in charge of St. James’s Hospital, shared that there were “missed opportunities” while DOOM was being treated for the reaction, according to Leeds Live.

On top of the rare reaction, DOOM was also dealing with a myriad of health issues such as heart failure, hepatitis B, type 2 diabetes, and kidney failure.

More from Leeds Live:

Assistant coroner Janine Wolstenholme concluded the inquest with a narrative verdict which touched on a number of issues highlighted by Daniel’s wife and her legal team.

Ms Wolstenholme said a care plan had been drawn up in hospital which was not sufficiently detailed. She said doctors had been given a ‘false reassurance’ about Daniel’s condition when his health appeared to improve.

The coroner said that when Daniel had indicated his swelling was getting worse, this should have triggered a request for a review, although it was not possible to say what action would have been taken, and it was not possible to say whether Daniel’s collapse could have been avoided.

Shortly after the inquest ended, Dr. Hamish McLure, the Chief Medical Officer at Leeds Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust, stated, according to Leeds Live, “I would like to offer our sincere condolences to Daniel’s family, friends and fans at this difficult time. I apologise that the care he received was not to the standard we would expect.”

He continued, “Following his sad death we undertook a serious incident investigation, and the report has been shared with Daniel’s family. As a result we have put in place a number of actions and the wider learning from what happened to be used as a teaching topic in a number of different clinical specialties. We also support the coroner’s recommendation for clearer national guidance and awareness in this area.”

I imagine that his family members were even more disheartened that someone they deeply loved was possibly not given the best care possible. It makes his passing that much more difficult to discuss and remember.

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