Azealia Banks & A Roller Coaster: The Most Expensive Fashion Show Ever?

Maximalist designer Philipp Plein never disappoints and always provides us with a show. This is by far the most fun, energetic and expensive show of fashion month so far and here is why.


He had a full German engineered roller coaster built for the show


He flew in rapper Azealia Banks into Milan to open the show!


Supermodels galore! Lindsey Wixson, Binx Walton, Iris Strubegger, Jessica Stam, Anna Cleveland, Antonina Petkovic etc all walked.

Best soundtrack- Rolling Stones ‘Sympathy For The Devil’ opens right after Azealia Banks, The Ramones and Joan Jett.


Models getting on the roller coasters after they walked and actually loving it!


The best fur backpack we have seen so far? I think so!

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