Lady Gaga is a Crazy, Sparkly Sea Urchin (Or a Shiny Yuletide Star)

Mother Monster has apparently moved from the land to the sea as she stepped out in Paris on Monday night as a sparkly, silver sea urchin. The pop-star reminded the world that she’s still here and only getting bigger, as exemplified by her inflatable costume. Lady Gaga, who just concluded her ARTPop tour, sauntered out of a car and into Club VIP in what looked like a large and shapeless shimmery cape. But after a brief pause, her seemingly lifeless tinsel ensemble inflated into sparkly spikes. In true Gaga form, she maintained a complete poker face (no pun intended) while posing amid the horde of paparazzi and flashing lights.



Jack Irving, a production and costume designer who recently graduated from Central St. Martins College of Art in London, is the force behind Gaga’s “Sea Urchin Showgirl Dress.” And this isn’t the only outfit Irving has made for the singer-songwriter. His creations include a jester-like headdress that Gaga sported in Manchester last week and an iridescent “Alien Goddess” dress that she wore in Paris.

"We had our eye on that designer for a while and wanted to save it for the very last night of the Art Rave in Paris to really celebrate the whole creative freedom of the tour," Lady Gaga’s stylist Brandon Maxwell tells Yahoo Style. "It started out deflated like a jelly fish and then inflated on its own."

If one thing holds true, it’s that Lady Gaga loves her loyal “little monsters.” But perhaps the devotees will soon rename themselves “little tentacles” after this spectacular number.



She “owned the night,” is “the queen of everything,” and thus, we give Lady Gaga’s bold appearance one big “applause.”

Want to steal Lady Gaga’s style (because we know you do)? Here’s how to wear tentacles.
1. Walk, don’t drive. Because there’s no way spikes on your derriere are comfortable. Or will fit in a cab.
2. Soften the makeup. Steer clear of using harsh tones, like Lady Gaga’s black lipstick. This will only take away from the outfit.
3. Hope for good weather. Make sure you’re somewhere with a warm climate, lest you want to ruin your statement look with outerwear.