#LFW: Faustine Steinmetz' Art-Meets-Fashion Presentation

Photo: Laia Garcia

The French designer Faustine Steinmetz' clothes are deceiving. What looks to be a regular pair of jeans, turns out to be, upon closer inspection, a pair of hand-painted felted wool pants instead. Steinmetz is both a designer, and an artist, but not in that way where “artist” means you make a shirt out of balloons and call it a day. No, she effortlessly balances concept and intention with wearability. The results are fantastic.

Photo: Dora Fung

Her Fall 2015 presentation was a perfect merging of art and fashion. Steinmetz approaches sportswear with couture-like sensibilities, in that her clothes are all handmade and often handwoven. There were sporty maillot two-pieces, “sweatsuits” made with panels of sheer fabric, and even hair accessories that were actual globs of dried paint with a clip attached on the back.

Hair accessories at Faustine Steinmetz. Photo: Laia Garcia

As is typical of a London show, there was a very tongue-in-cheek approach to the presentation. The small exhibition space had been transformed with wooden panels, like a cabinet of curiosities, and the models stood inside it, sometimes only partially visible. Next to each display was a little plaque, detailing her name and the piece on display, much like you would find at an art museum or gallery. Steinmetz is one to watch

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