Please do not try this banana-only diet

Please do not try this banana-only diet

Please do not try this banana-only diet
Please do not try this banana-only diet

We at Hello Giggles don’t like to criticize other people’s lifestyles. But when we see a potentially unhealthy lifestyle, we must speak out.

A recent article in the India Times described nutritionist Yulia Tarbath‘s “banana island” diet. For twelve days straight Tarbath ate nothing but bananas. She went on this diet both to detoxify her body and to lose weight. Tarbath has been in the news before discussing her raw-vegan diet and lifestyle while pregnant.

Yes, research shows that bananas are actually a perfect fit in your weight loss diet plan. A six inch banana has about 90 calories, and the fiber in bananas is soluble, which means bananas can absorb water and slow down digestion. But to solely consume bananas for a consecutive twelve days? We’re not sure about this.

This fruity diet doesn’t just stop at bananas. According to Buzzfeed, others have followed this diet (also called the Monomeal Diet), eating watermelons, orange slices, and apples.

A photo posted by @aurenoisette10 on Mar 25, 2016 at 12:47am PDT

A photo posted by Kelsey Jacks (@klee_tiu) on Apr 18, 2016 at 6:54am PDT

Okay, first, let’s go over the specifics of what the banana-only diet entails:

  • You can eat all the bananas you desire. Yet, bananas (or whatever fruit you choose) are all you can eat. If you are desperate to shake things up, you can occasionally add lettuce.

  • You must eat your usual calories. No calorie-restrictions are allowed. This, at least, makes sense.

  • You must drink plenty of water.

  • This diet is no excuse not to exercise.

  • Allow yourself to rest, as your body will be experience a “deep detox and restoration,” according to Tarbath.

These are the symptoms Tarbath reported experiencing in her YouTube post and blog:

  • Absolutely no detox symptoms. She claims she “felt amazing throughout the whole journey.”

  • Clarity of mind.

  • “Beautiful, glowing skin.”

  • Improved flexibility.

  • “Energy, energy and more energy!” Tarbath claims the banana-only diet gave her the energy to attempt all kinds of fitness activities, including cross-fit, cycling, and weight training. In fact, she also says she ran over thirteen miles up and down the Thailand mountain Doi Suthep and recovered in half the amount of time, without any leg soreness whatsoever.

Please note, she has no scientific data to back up any of these claims. Most of these involve a state of mind.

We asked Dr. David Heber, Founding Director of the UCLA Center for Human Nutrition and Founding Chief of the Division of Clinical Nutrition and author of The LA Shape Diet, for his input. He said:

“Protein is the most important nutrient we eat as it both controls appetite and helps to maintain your body’s metabolism. Many religions fast for up to 3 days with no bad effects, because we are all adapted to starvation.

The banana has fiber, sugar, and potassium, but no protein, and eating it as the only food is not safe for long periods of time. What is important is not just losing weight but what your body composition is like afterwards. If you starve or eat only carbohydrates, half the weight you lose will be from your muscle and lean body. Every pound of lean muscle you lose will reduce your metabolic burn by 14 calories per day. So ten pounds of lost lean muscle means you burn 140 fewer calories. You will be “skinny fat,” that is thin on the outside and fat on the inside, doomed to restrict your calories. Exercising daily and eating enough protein along with colorful fruits and vegetables with limited refined carbohydrates are the keys to healthy weight loss.”

Curious about the phrase colorful fruits and vegetables? Nutritionists suggest eating “a rainbow of colors” because there are different micronutrients — like vitamins, antioxidants, and phytonutrients — in different kinds of food. If you restrict yourself to solely eating oranges or apples, your body isn’t getting, for example, the beta-carotene in carrots and sweet potatoes, not to mention the lycopene in tomatoes and red bell peppers.

And that’s just the tip of the essential nutrient iceberg! Combining different foods can help you absorb nutrients even more thoroughly. For example, eggs contain iron. If you eat foods with vitamin C, such as spinach, with those eggs, you’ll absorb even more of the iron. (This is why people love to combine beans and rice, which when eaten together work as a complete protein.)

A photo posted by B-money (@chailatteluvr) on Apr 17, 2016 at 3:11pm PDT

Dr. Heber isn’t the only one to speak out against this diet. spoke to holistic nutritionist Laura Lagano, R.D., about the banana-island diet. She, too, was quite firm in her disdain:

“I would never recommend a mono diet, and I don’t think any dietitian would suggest you just eat fruit for an extended period of time. A day or weekend of paring down your diet to a few nutritious staples can certainly help people who get overwhelmed about food decisions. But sticking to just a few foods—let alone a single source—for any longer than that deprives your body of essential nutrients.”

So, next time you feel like trying this mono-fruit diet — which, if Instagram is to be believed, has thousands of practitioners — think long and hard. Look into the actual science of the diet. And remember: being “thin” isn’t all there is to being healthy.

The post Please do not try this banana-only diet appeared first on HelloGiggles.