#TinderTuesdays: That Time He Seductively Peed on Me

Once a week, Yahoo Style shares the funny, failed, and sometimes charming stories of Tinder dates. This week, Halle gets an unpleasant surprise: Female, 25, Manhattan.

One night, I went out on a Tinder date with a much older man in his early 40s. I usually don’t date older men, but I was curious nonetheless. The thing that can be dangerous about the app, is that you don’t have to think beyond the present moment.

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We met for drinks at a bar on the Upper West Side of Manhattan. The guy was sweet, charming and insanely smart—a Yale graduate who worked on Wall Street. We hit it off right away and even discovered that we worked in neighboring buildings. After a solid date, I agreed to have one last cocktail at his apartment, which was nearby. Things started to heat up quickly—kissing turned to touching, and next thing I knew, he was pulling me off the bed and toward the bathroom. I was totally into it.

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The lights were out, apart from a few dimly lit candles on the edge of the tub. He pulled me into the shower with him, nearly lighting my hair on fire, when I heard a trickle of water from the faucet. I still had my shirt on, so I quickly hopped out to remove it, when I turned back and realized that it wasn’t the faucet I was hearing. He was peeing. And the “water” that was all over my legs was actually urine. I fled his apartment in horror.

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I’ve deleted Tinder since, and started going to therapy. I’m into speed dating now.

Tell us about your Tinder story! Please write to [email protected].