Rock Band gets first DLC album, it's Judas Priest!

We've just been informed that next Tuesday, April 22nd we'll be treated to yet another Rock Band DLC first! The first fully complete album download! W00t! W00t! The first Rock Band album DLC will be Judas Priest' Screaming For Vengeance and feature all nine tracks listed below with each available separately for 160 MS points or as an album download for 1200 points ($14.99 U.S.) We've also been told that Harmonix plans on releasing complete album downloads for The Cars' The Cars and Pixies' Doolittle as well as The Who's Who's Next? Complete album downloads have finally arrived!

  • "The Hellion/Electric Eye"

  • "Riding on the Wind"

  • "Bloodstone"

  • "(Take These) Chains"

  • "Pain and Pleasure"

  • "Screaming for Vengeance"

  • "You've Got Another Thing Comin'"

  • "Fever"

  • "Devil's Child"

[Thanks, HazyCloud]