Rock Band Weekly: Judas Priest's Screaming for Vengeance

The Rock Band store gets its first full album this week with Judas Priest's Screaming for Vengeance. The Rock Band forums also mention that The Cars' The Cars and the Pixies' Doolittle are coming in the "near future." The Who's Who's Next is still on the docket, but apparently isn't what's next.

Screaming for Vengeance album (1200 MS points / $15) -- All songs are also sold individually (160 MS Points / $2), except "The Hellion" and "Electric Eye," which are bundled at the price of one track.

  • "The Hellion"

  • "Electric Eye"

  • "Riding on the Wind"

  • "Bloodstone"

  • "(Take These) Chains"

  • "Pain and Pleasure"

  • "Screaming for Vengeance"

  • "You've Got Another Thing Comin'"

  • "Fever"

  • "Devil's Child"

The videos for this week's Rock Band DLC are after the break ... and sweet mercy, it'd better be appreciated this week. Screaming for Vengeance will be available today on Xbox 360 and Thursday for the PS3.