Dragon's Dogma 2 Vocations guide: Skill list, augments list, tips and tricks

 Dragon's Dogma 2 promotional screenshot.
Dragon's Dogma 2 promotional screenshot.

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The world of Dragon’s Dogma 2 is a vast, majestic yet dangerous land, filled to the brim with all manner of deadly monsters, evil bandits, scheming villains, and terrifying, fire-breathing dragons. If you hope to survive in this world and slay the beasts that terrorize it, then you must take up Vocations.

Vocations are the character classes of Dragon’s Dogma 2 that players and their NPC allies, Pawns, can learn and obtain powerful combat abilities. Some Vocations offer close-range, lightning-quick swordsmanship skills like the Fighter, while others offer magic spells that allow the caster to bring down the heavens onto their foes like the Sorcerer.

There are ten vocations to choose from, and each offers a unique playstyle that you can customize the move-sets of. However, picking which Vocation meets for your preferred play can be difficult to decide as each Vocation’s gameplay structure is extremely complex. Fortunately, we at Windows Central will help you make your decision much easier with our Dragon's Dogma 2 Vocations guide.

This guide will feature a list of every Vocation available in the game, their skill sets, and their combat styles, and provide some tips and tricks on how to use them effectively. So without adieu, let’s start researching the Vocations and see which one is right for you.

Dragon's Dogma 2 Vocations Quick List and Info

Promotional screenshot of Dragon's Dogma 2
Promotional screenshot of Dragon's Dogma 2

Vocations are essentially your "job" or "class" in Dragon's Dogma, and serve as your primary playstyle funnel. The four main vocational styles are Thief (an agile melee fighter with daggers), Archer (an agile ranged fighter with a bow), Mage (a light-armored wizard flinging spells and healing magic), and Fighter (a melee brawler with an array of weapons).

It should be noted that Pawns, your Dragon's Dogma companions, can use the four basic vocations and only two advanced Vocations. As the player Arisen you can eventually learn Advanced Vocations that expand your playstyle a fair bit. The full list of Vocations is as follows.

Basic vocations (Arisen and Pawn)

  • Mage - A basic vocation for those inclined towards wizardry.

  • Thief - Another basic vocation with a melee combat style, atop agile movement and daggers.

  • Archer - The basic vocation ranged attacker with a bow and light armor.

  • Fighter - The basic armored and an arsenal of weapons for close quarters combat.

Advanced vocations

  • Mystic Spearhand (Arisen-Only) - An advanced vocation that plays a bit like Darth Maul, with a dual-bladed staff and force mysticism.

  • Magick Archer (Arisen-Only) - Another advanced vocation that combines enchanted arrows with a powerful bow.

  • Sorcerer - More advanced spell casting makes for a powerful arch wizard.

  • Trickster (Arisen-Only) - A new vocation that wields a smoke censer to conjure illusionary debuffs and powerful buffs for your party.

  • Warrior - A barbaric master of two-handed weapons, capable of unleashing the most powerful physical attacks.

  • Wayfarer (Arisen-Only) - A "jack of all trades" class for those who like to mix it up.

Dragon's Dogma originally required players to stick to one vocation as they levelled, since the stat gains would be fixed for your vocation. For example, if you gained a level as a mage, you would gain stats relevant towards playing a mage. If you eventually decided to switch to a warrior playstyle, your stats would be less than ideal. Thankfully, in Dragon's Dogma 2, it seems your stats are bound to your vocation, rather than your character. This means you can essentially switch your playstyle at will (via an inn or rest area). Previously, you had to choose your vocational swaps carefully, since the stats would become fixed when you levelled up.

Indeed, vocations and your character level up separately. Your expertise in your vocation grows as you use it, and you begin earning discipline points (Dcp for short) to spend on skills (the full skill list for Dragon's Dogma 2 is below). When you level up your vocation, you gain access to purchase more skills and abilities while resting. However, your character itself levels up separately, no matter what you're currently playing as.

Dragon's Dogma 2 Vocations guide – Basic Vocations

Dragon's Dogma 2 promotional screenshot
Dragon's Dogma 2 promotional screenshot

Basic Vocations are the beginner classes that players and Pawns can learn. These Vocations will help players learn the foundation of Dragon’s Dogma 2 combat system and prepare them to learn the more complex Advanced Vocations encountered later on in the game.

However, most special moves and passive Augment abilities of Vocations that not available right away and must be unlocked first by purchasing them with Discipline Points (or Dcp for short). Discipline Points are awarded through completing quests, defeating enemies and other activities while playing as your chosen Vocation.

Dragon's Dogma 2 Vocations guide – Fighter

Dragon's Dogma 2 Fighter CG render
Dragon's Dogma 2 Fighter CG render

Fighter is a close-range melee-orientated Vocation that allows the player to strike enemies with quick sword swipes while using a shield to protect themselves and their allies from incoming attacks.

If you wish to learn how to defend your allies from overwhelming danger, check out our guide on how to play Dragon's Dogma 2's Fighter Vocation.

Dragon's Dogma 2 Vocations guide – Archer

Dragon's Dogma 2 Archer CG render
Dragon's Dogma 2 Archer CG render

The Archer Vocation is a long-ranged specialist that snipes targets from afar by wielding a bow and arrow. Archers can fire a rain of arrows to wipe out groups of enemies or hone their keen senses to fire concentrated shots at a target’s weakspot.

If you wish to master the art of archery, check out our in-depth guide on the Archer Vocation in Dragon's Dogma 2.

Dragon's Dogma 2 Vocations guide – Mage

Dragon's Dogma 2 Mage CG render
Dragon's Dogma 2 Mage CG render

The Maga Vocation allows players to use powerful magic spells that can blow their enemies to smithereens or save their allies from the brink of death with healing magic and support enchantments.

A word of caution: the most advanced spells in a Mage’s repertoire will take longer cast than others so make sure you are safe from an enemy’s assault to prevent your spellcasting from being interrupted.

**If you wish to wield the arcane arts of Mage and find out where you can locate its Skill Scroll to learn its most powerful healing spell, check out our guide on how to play the Mage Vocation in Dragon's Dogma 2.

Dragon's Dogma 2 Vocations guide – Thief

Dragon's Dogma 2 Thief CG render
Dragon's Dogma 2 Thief CG render

The Thief is an agile, melee-fighting Vocation that grants the user impeccable speed to run circles around enemies and hack them to pieces with lightning-quick slashes using a pair of sharp daggers. They can also steal valuable items from enemies and NPCs alike.

**To find out how to acquire the Thief's Skill Scrolls and become a master Thief, check out our in-depth guide on Dragon's Dogma 2's Thief Vocation.

Dragon's Dogma 2 Vocations guide – Advanced Vocations

Dragon's Dogma 2 promotional screenshot
Dragon's Dogma 2 promotional screenshot

Advanced Vocations are special Vocations that offer more powerful and over-the-top abilities than the Basic Vocations.

However, they aren’t immediately available to you and must be acquired by gaining the approval of Vocation Maisters. If you manage to impress them, Vocation Maisters may also reward you with Maister’s Tomes, which will unlock some of the powerful skills in the game.

Dragon's Dogma 2 Vocations Guide – Warrior

Dragon's Dogma 2 Warrior CG render
Dragon's Dogma 2 Warrior CG render

The Warrior Vocation is one of the most powerful melee Vocations in the game. It bestows the user with enough immense strength to use two-handed hammers and greatswords, and bring down the toughest of monsters in just a few blows.

If you wish to rip and tear giant monsters with brute strength, read our in-depth guide on how to play the Warrior Vocation of Dragon's Dogma 2.

Dragon's Dogma 2 Vocations guide – Sorcerer

Dragon's Dogma 2 Mystic Spearhand CG render
Dragon's Dogma 2 Mystic Spearhand CG render

The Sorcerer is a spellcaster Vocation like the Mage but trades away support spells for more offensive magical firepower. Their spells take longer to cast than the Mage’s but their extra destructive potential is worth the wait.

**If you want to know where you can acquire the Sorcerer Skill Scrolls to rain destruction upon your enemies, check our guide on how to complete Dragon's Dogma 2's 'The Sorcerer's Appraisal' and 'Spellbound' Maister quests.

Dragon's Dogma 2 Vocations guide – Mystic Spearhand

Dragon's Dogma 2 Mystic Spearhand CG render
Dragon's Dogma 2 Mystic Spearhand CG render

The Mystic Spearhand is a Vocation that can only be learnt by the Arisen (the player). It is an acrobatic Vocation that allows the user to attack enemies at close-range with a unique weapon called the Duospear, and attack them from long-range with magic spells.

**If you want to know to acquire the Paladin's Enigmata Skill Scroll and learn how you can take to the skies to fight Drakes, check our guide on how to play Dragon's Dogma 2's Mystic Spearhead Vocation.

Dragon's Dogma 2 Vocations guide – Magick Archer

Dragon's Dogma 2 Magick Archer CG Render
Dragon's Dogma 2 Magick Archer CG Render

The Magick Archer is an Arisen-exclusive Vocation that enchants their bow and arrow with devastating magical power seen in the Mage and Sorcerer Vocations. A Magick Archer's magic-arrows can chase enemies down or even revive their comrades from the brink of death.

Dragon's Dogma 2 Vocations guide – Trickster

Dragon's Dogma 2 Trickster CG render
Dragon's Dogma 2 Trickster CG render

The Trickster is an Arisen-exclusive Vocation that creates illusions to confuse enemies and support party members. Tricksters can trick enemies into fighting them themselves or lure them to fall off cliffs by creating illusionary platforms that’ll deceive enemies thinking there’s a safe path when it doesn’t exist.

Dragon's Dogma 2 Vocations guide – Warfarer

Dragon's Dogma 2 Warfarer CG render
Dragon's Dogma 2 Warfarer CG render

The Warfarer is a unique Arizen-exclusive Vocation that lets players use every weapon, skill, and passive ability from every Vocation in the game. This Vocation will allow players to create a custom move-set using Weapon skills and Core skills they have unlocked from the other Vocations and use them in conjunction with any weapon type to build a jack-of-all-trades playstyle.

However, the Warfarer Vocation’s base stats are considerably lower than the other specialized Vocations to balance out the fact Wayfarers can have access to all the other Vocations abilities.

Have you decided what Vocation to dedicate yourself to?

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And there you have our list of every Vocation in Dragon’s Dogma 2 and the skills they grant to players that will help them survive. The sheer wealth of variety and gameplay styles these Vocations offer is just one of the many qualities that make Dragon's Dogma 2 one of the best Xbox games of the year.

If you want to learn more about why this game is must-have for your collection if you're a fan of action-RPGs, check out our review for Dragon’s Dogma 2 to find out.

Dragon’s Dogma 2 is now available for purchase after releasing on March 22, 2024, for Xbox Series X, Xbox Series S, PlayStation 5, and PC via Steam.

Dragon's Dogma 2

Rise above your cursed fate, band together with a party of Pawns, and journey across a dark fantasy world to slay an ancient evil dragon in Dragon's Dogma 2.

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