You Will Soon Be Able to Eject Yourself from Annoying Group Messages on iPhone


So long, suckers!

On Monday, Apple announced iOS 8, its new operating system for iPhone and iPad. One of the features we’re most excited about: the ability to remove yourself from a group text message thread you’re no longer interested in.

This is part of Apple’s larger overhaul of its Messages app, a summary of which you can see in the image above. You will now be able to rename your texting thread; add or remove individuals from the thread after it has begun; temporarily mute the thread’s notifications with a Do Not Disturb button; and yes, hit the eject button for yourself when you’re done listening to your friends chatter.

Getting out of annoying group text messages has been the wish of many a tech writer and iPhone owner. Now, when you tell your friends that you can’t go to lunch, you don’t have to suffer through them making plans. Just leave the thread and enjoy the silence.

You can read more about iOS 8 here.