John Oliver Buys More Ad Time to Talk to Trump About Healthcare

With the American Health Care Act being rolled out by the GOP as a means to replace Obamacare, John Oliver, on Last Week Tonight, pointed out that the bill is lacking on a lot of what Trump promised on the campaign trail. Oliver said, “The ‘something terrific’ he promised: better coverage, lower costs, no one losing their health insurance — well, this bill isn’t it. The bill Trump is championing will actually increase costs for older, poorer Americans, and cause millions of people to lose coverage. Somebody needs to explain this to him.”

So, with an explanation in mind, Oliver decided to buy more ad time on Fox News and use the same cowboy who explained the nuclear triad to Trump a month ago. The cowboy lets Trump know, “if my premiums go up and subsidies go down, I’m going to wind up paying more. That is basic math.”

For those of you in the Washington, D.C., area, you can check out the ad during Fox & Friends on Wednesday.

Last Week Tonight With John Oliver airs Sundays at 11 p.m. on HBO.

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