John Oliver’s Deep Dive Into Possible Trump Impeachment: ‘Stupid Watergate’

After another week of insane White House scandals and Donald Trump oddities, John Oliver on Last Week Tonight was trying to make sense of what he called “stupid Watergate.” He had a few questions including, “What the f*** is going on? How big a deal is this? Where do we go from here? And is this real life?”

Oliver wasn’t the only one feeling reactionary. Anderson Cooper basically lost it during his interview with Jeffrey Lord, saying, “If [Trump] took a dump on his desk, you would defend it.”

A Hard Week Last Week (Tonight)

Monday kicked off with revelations that President Trump may have revealed codeword information, one of the highest levels of classification, to Russian officials. But that scandal was trumped by Tuesday’s news that FBI director James Comey wrote a memo saying that Trump asked him to shut down an investigation of then-national security advisor, Michael Flynn.

The “W” Word

And between those two scandals, it was enough for the first of two Republican representatives to suggest Trump’s actions might merit impeachment, while John McCain said it was of “Watergate size and scale.”

Last Week Tonight With John Oliver airs Sundays at 11 p.m. on HBO.

Check out how Donald Trump and Paul Ryan were put on blast by John Oliver over the James Comey firing:

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