‘The Bachelorette': The 5 Most GIFable Moments From ‘The Men Tell All’

Take heart, rose lovers! While your regular recapper/Team Bachelor enthusiast Kristen Baldwin is out on vacation (sadly, not at the Playa Escondida Resort where our favorite Bachelor/Bachelorette castoffs go to play), we couldn’t leave you hanging!

This season’s Men Tell All special might as well have been named Everybody Tells Off Chad. Here’s how our villain (hero?) made his grand entrance:


After Chad revealed that he had been talking (or “talking”) to both Robby and Grant’s ex-girlfriend to get dirt on his former rivals for JoJo’s affection, it was too much for Santa Nick to take.


Despite a lot of huffing and puffing, nothing the men said had any effect on Chad. Before anyone could run him out of the studio on a rail, Chris Harrison took the opportunity to remind Bachelor Nation that Chad would be appearing on the new season of Bachelor in Paradise. He already has a fanbase!


All in all, it was pretty uneventful as The Men Tell All specials go. JoJo had to face both Luke and Chase, both complete gentlemen (think the direct opposite of Chad) who got the closure they needed. However, someone else needed closure, too. And that person was Vinny’s mom.


Vinny, we barely knew ye, but your mom is a real hoot!

In keeping with tradition, The Men Tell All ended with a blooper reel. From breaking glass to pesky flies to a runaway pair of suspenders, this season of The Bachelorette did not disappoint! The MVP of the blooper reel was definitely the monkey with a soda can because duh.


So will JoJo choose Robby or Jordan next week? Share your thoughts in the comments below!

Related: ‘The Bachelorette’ Recap: Thai And Stop Her

The Bachelorette finale airs Monday, Aug. 1 at 8 p.m. on ABC.