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MAR 21 - APR 19

This week, there could be both love and money for you.

The week begins on Sunday, September 24, with the sun in Libra and your house of relationships making a quincunx with Saturn in Pisces and your house of solitude. While you might be social and want to interact with people, you also like your autonomy. Today, there’s a little battle between being with others and having sole possession of the remote control. Aries, you can’t have both, and a compromise will be needed.

On Monday, September 25, Mercury in Virgo and your house of work trines Jupiter in Taurus and your house of money. Today could be a strong money day for you. Aries, if you own a business, you could strike a great deal. If you’re in sales, you could have customers lined up. This is a good day to ask your supervisor for a raise. And if you’re negotiating for a new job, you could hit the jackpot.

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Illustrations by Jo Ratcliffe