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JUN 21 - JUL 22

This week, you’re exploring new roads.

The week begins on Sunday, October 29, with Mercury in Scorpio conjoining Mars in your house of romance. Today, you are an impatient lover. Cancer, you might be waiting by the phone for your sweetheart to call, or you’re pacing as you wait for them to get home from work so the two of you can have fun. If you’re looking for love, you have good opportunities around people who are very energetic. Go to sporting events or the gym and you could meet someone for a love relationship.

On Tuesday, October 31, Venus in Virgo and your house of fun activities trines Uranus in Taurus. Today, you want to do something very different. You want to break some rules and go in a new direction. You could attend a party with people who are a little wild. Or you might get dressed up just to feel like somebody else. Today, you want to break out of your mold.

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10 november - 16 november
Illustrations by Jo Ratcliffe