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SEP 23 - OCT 22

This week, you receive some recognition.

The week begins on Sunday, June 16, as Venus in Gemini squares Neptune in Pisces. And later that day, Venus enters the sign of Cancer where it will stay until July 11. You want something lovely in your life. Libra, you might be looking for the perfect jacket or a great color to paint your bedroom, or you might be entranced by a beautiful stranger. Today, you’re very attracted to beauty.

On Monday, June 17, Mercury enters the sign of Cancer where it will stay until July 2. Then Mercury conjoins Venus in Cancer and your house of social standing. Your voice is music to others now. You might find that your words or creative endeavors are honored by others. This is a good time to be on stage or showcase your art or play your music.

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30 june - 06 july
Illustrations by Jo Ratcliffe