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SEP 23 - OCT 22

This week, you are a money magnet.

There’s a new moon in Scorpio on Monday, November 13. Also, the sun in Scorpio and your house of money opposes Uranus in Taurus. It might occur to you to look at your money and revenue-producing activities in a new way. Libra, you could shift your focus from hoping that money will come in to being determined to find sources of money. Or you could get a sudden boost of revenue in your side business. Today, you might find a path to prosperity.

On Wednesday, November 15, Venus in your own sign of Libra and your house of confidence makes a quincunx to Jupiter in Taurus. Libra, you might be standing in front of a crowd or at the front of a room. You can pull this off. You have natural charisma and charm. Today, you can see your effect on people as you talk about quarterly earnings or read your poetry. Confidence in yourself enables you to shine today.

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24 november - 30 november
Illustrations by Jo Ratcliffe