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SEP 23 - OCT 22

This week, you’re taking care of things.

On Monday, December 11, Mercury in Capricorn and your house of family sextiles Venus in Scorpio and your house of money and possessions. Today, you could go shopping with your sibling or take a niece or nephew to the mall. But this is also a time when you might talk about heirlooms and vintage items with family members. Libra, you could be deciding who will be the caretaker of some precious objects that represent the family legacy.

There’s a new moon in Sagittarius on Tuesday, December 12. Also, Mercury goes retrograde in Capricorn. Something you thought was fixed or taken care of at home needs your attention again. It’s possible you have to find a repair person or an item needs to be replaced. You might have to make several phone calls to take care of this.

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22 december - 28 december
Illustrations by Jo Ratcliffe