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OCT 23 - NOV 21

This week, you are in motion.

The week begins on Monday, July 1, with the sun in Cancer making a semisquare to Uranus in Taurus and your house of balance and fairness. Scorpio, you might be turning a keen eye toward an important relationship that has gotten out of balance. Perhaps you’re giving too much and not getting enough in return. Maybe you see things differently, which generally is fine, but now it irritates you and makes you uneasy. Now you have an opening for the discussion that needs to happen. A lot could be solved today.

On Tuesday, July 2, Neptune goes retrograde in Pisces, and Mercury enters the sign of Leo. There is an aura about you. Your charisma is strong, and others are attracted to you. You might get an opportunity to be seen, step on stage or lead. You could interview for a new job or get some free publicity for your business. This is a good time to audition to be in a play or movie or find an agent.

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14 july - 20 july
Illustrations by Jo Ratcliffe