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OCT 23 - NOV 21

This week, you accomplish much.

The week begins on Sunday, August 11, with Venus in Virgo making a quincunx to the North Node in Aries. You might feel like you want the freedom to be with your friends and do some fun and interesting things, but today you’re chained to your to-do list connected to your job or household chores. You’re looking for an escape. Trying to get some free time to do what you want might feel like a prison break.

On Monday, August 12, the moon in your own sign of Scorpio squares the sun in Leo and your house of career and reputation. Scorpio, you could have an emotional day at work, especially if you aren’t in control of some aspects of your schedule, the project, or how people respond to what you say. You might get a lot of pushback today. There will be a bright spot, however: you might get a dazzling review or testimonial.

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25 august - 31 august
Illustrations by Jo Ratcliffe