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OCT 23 - NOV 21

This week, you wield power.

The week begins on Sunday, October 22, with Mercury in your own sign of Scorpio and your house of confidence making a trine to Saturn in Pisces. Your abilities of critical thinking, methodical computation, and good reasoning in general are very strong today. This is a great day for some deep work on something that’s difficult to do. Consider using this day to organize the book you’re writing or learn to code.

On Tuesday, October 24, the sun in Scorpio (happy birthday!) trines Saturn. This is an excellent day to put yourself forward for a job or business opportunity. Others see you as confident now. They see that you have skills and know what you’re doing. This is a good time to let people know that you want the job or their business. Put your resume out into the world or accept the job interview. Today, you can shine.

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03 november - 09 november
Illustrations by Jo Ratcliffe