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APR 20 - MAY 20

This week, timing will be important to find your flow.

Things start at a gallop. The week begins on Sunday, January 28, with a trifecta of aspects. Mars squares the Nodes, Mercury trines Uranus, and Venus trines Jupiter. Picture yourself standing at a crossroads. In one direction, the road is rocky and inclines uphill. The other way is smooth, with a gentle downward slope to a familiar place. Taurus, it’s likely whatever your choice, you’re going to be looking for the easier road, but realize that the easier road isn’t necessarily the best route.

On Monday, January 29, Mars in Capricorn and your house of knowledge trines Uranus in your own sign of Taurus. While you generally like to deliberate about a decision, today you might turn on a dime. You could sign up for a class or submit your application for an entire semester. You might decide to teach a course or post a how-to video. Today, it’s all about what you know.

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11 february - 17 february
Illustrations by Jo Ratcliffe