Neil gorsuch

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    Yahoo Life

    Conservative millennial Kassy Dillon: 'I don't like the term "feminist"'

    Meet Kassy Dillon, a journalist, political commentator, social media influencer, and college senior who is the founder of a blog called?Lone Conservative, which provides a voice to right-leaning students who feel ostracized for their political views.

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    Yahoo Life

    SCOTUS Just Heard a Church Playground Case That Could Affect Birth Control Access

    Speculation is emerging that the Court could likely side with the plaintiff, a ruling that experts say could create a slippery slope for women’s health.

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    Yahoo Life

    Newly Sworn In Neil Gorsuch Could Impact Reproductive Rights Almost Immediately

    Neil Gorsuch has been confirmed for a seat on the Supreme Court of the United States. What will his appointment mean for women’s health and reproductive rights? How will Gorsuch’s appointment affect coming cases on women’s reproductive rights?

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    Yahoo Life

    One Woman Who Made Neil Gorsuch’s Confirmation Anything but Inevitable

    When President Trump nominated Judge Neil Gorsuch?10 days into his presidency, Gorsuch’s confirmation by the Senate already seemed like a done deal. Not only did Republicans control the Senate, but they also insisted that Gorsuch was the kind of nominee that everyone could easily get behind. Fast forward to today, when the Senate Judiciary Committee stands poised to vote on Gorsuch’s nomination and pass it along for a final vote to the full Senate, where the threat of a filibuster stopping his

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    Yahoo Life

    Were Women at Neil Gorsuch’s Hearing Sending a Message or Were Their Outfits a Coincidence?

    Judge Neil Gorsuch was flanked by women in white during his Senate confirmation hearing on March 22. Some Twitter users noticed an interesting wardrobe choice made by the women surrounding?Judge Neil Gorsuch?during his confirmation hearing on March 22: They wore white.

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    Yahoo Life

    Neil Gorsuch Answers Questions on Roe v. Wade and Sex Discrimination

    Judge Neil Gorsuch, Trump’s pick for Supreme Court Justice, addressed questions about reproductive rights and sex discrimination. Sen. Chuck Grassley, the chair of the Senate Judiciary Committee, asked Gorsuch whether he believed that the case of Roe v. Wade, which guaranteed the constitutional right to safe and legal abortion throughout the United States, was decided correctly.

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    Yahoo Life

    Neil Gorsuch Questioned About Maternity Leave Comments in Confirmation Hearings

    Supreme Court nominee Judge Neil Gorsuch answered questions regarding maternity leave on Tuesday. During the Mar. 21 confirmation hearings for Supreme Court justice nominee?Judge Neil Gorsuch, Sen. Dick Durbin, D-Ill., asked the judge?about recent allegations that he made controversial comments suggesting that women were trying to manipulate employers to receive maternity leave benefits. Over the weekend, news broke of a letter sent by a former law student of Gorsuch to the chairman and the ra

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    Yahoo Life

    Did Neil Gorsuch Imply That Women Manipulate Companies for Maternity Leave Benefits?

    Confirmation hearings began on Monday for Judge Neil Gorsuch, President Trump’s nominee to fill the Supreme Court vacancy created by the death of Justice Antonin Scalia last year. Gorsuch has a limited record on so-called women’s issues, but his former law student Jennifer Sisk came forward over the weekend with allegations that the?Supreme Court nominee told his Legal Ethics and Professionalism class that employers should question female job applicants about their plans to have children and al

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    Yahoo Life

    Trump SCOTUS Pick Neil Gorsuch Has Family Ties to Luxe Ski Brand

    On Jan. 31, President Trump nominated Neil Gorsuch, a 10th Circuit Court of Appeals?judge, to the Supreme Court?to fill the seat left vacant after the death of Justice?Antonin Scalia. Gorsuch, a?conservative judge appointed by President George W.?Bush in 2006, has family ties to the Reagan administration, as his mother, Anne, worked as an administrator at the Environmental Protection Agency in the ’80s. Gorsuch?founder Dave told the Vail Daily,?“I believe my father and his grandfather were sec

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