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MAR 21 - APR 19

This week, you’re finding the path.

The week begins on Monday, June 24, with Mars in Taurus making a semisextile to the North Node in Aries and your house of confident action. Aries, you want to move forward, but the action you’re taking isn’t quite in line with what you need to do. You’re a bit off course, like the person who sets out to paint a room but instead ends up researching how paint is made.

On Tuesday, June 25, Venus in Cancer makes a semisquare to Uranus in Taurus and your house of money. It’s easy to break your budget today. Your resolve is brittle and swayed by shiny objects, delicious aromas, or sales pitch promises. You could easily be persuaded to click “buy now.”

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07 july - 13 july
Illustrations by Jo Ratcliffe