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JUN 21 - JUL 22

This week, you have options.

The week begins on Monday, June 24, with Mars in Taurus making a semisextile to the North Node in Aries and your house of reputation and social standing. This is not a day to cut corners, though it might be tempting. Now it’s important to keep your promises, show up on time, and demonstrate to others who you are. And this might not be easy because there are little obstacles in the way.

On Tuesday, June 25, Venus in Cancer makes a semisquare to Uranus in Taurus and your house of friendships. Someone you thought you knew well seems to be changing. Their attitudes and interests could be different now, so you might reassess this friendship. Cancer, you might find yourself meandering toward a different group of friends.

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07 july - 13 july
Illustrations by Jo Ratcliffe