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MAY 21 - JUN 20

This week, positive energy flows in.

The week begins on Monday, July 8, when Mercury in Leo sextiles Jupiter in your own sign of Gemini and your house of presence and charisma. Gemini, you are on center stage today. You might hear applause. Today is a good day to lead a meeting, be on stage, or take charge of a project. You have a decisive vision of what needs to be done and your communication is clear. You can take the helm.

On Tuesday, July 9, Jupiter in Gemini sextiles the North Node in Aries. A big opportunity could come through an acquaintance. This is a really good time to network. This can be done for professional reasons or with friends and social contacts. You might end up with a job offer, dinner invitation, or an agent who wants to read your screenplay.

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21 july - 27 july
Illustrations by Jo Ratcliffe