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MAY 21 - JUN 20

This week, you could find a wealth touchstone.

The week begins on Sunday, July 14, with the moon in Scorpio squaring Pluto in Aquarius and your house of knowledge, experience, and adventure. Now you’re obsessed with getting out of town. Gemini, you might make plans for a trip or board a plane today. You could also be impatient with people ahead of you in line. Fortunately, this is a quick aspect and soon you’ll be on your way.

On Monday, July 15, Mars conjoins Uranus in Taurus and your house of enlightenment and introspection. A realization could turn your world upside down. Suddenly a towering block shrinks to the size of a stone that you can easily step over. You might realize that you’re no longer afraid of the things you feared in the past, and this gives you an open road on which to move forward.

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28 july - 03 august
Illustrations by Jo Ratcliffe