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MAY 21 - JUN 20

This week, you have extra energy and luck.?

The week begins on Sunday, August 18, with Venus in Virgo squaring Jupiter in your own sign of Gemini. You have more luck than usual. Your pie could win first prize at the county fair, you might win a solo spot in the choir, or your social media numbers could soar. This is a great day to launch a creative work into the public sphere.

On Monday, August 19, there is a full moon in Aquarius. Also, Jupiter in Gemini squares Saturn in Pisces and your house of career and business. Things don’t get easier because you keep moving the goalposts. Every time you make a milestone, you set the bar a little bit higher. This is what makes you an achiever, but it also means that you’re never quite comfortable, and today is the epitome of that.

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01 september - 07 september
Illustrations by Jo Ratcliffe