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FEB 19 - MAR 20

This week, you can ride the wave.?

The week begins on Sunday, August 18, with Venus in Virgo squaring Jupiter in Gemini. Today, you could be head over heels in love. This might be with a person, a puppy, or something that has four-wheel drive. But you might not make good decisions now, so wait a day or so before bringing it home.

On Monday, August 19, there is a full moon in Aquarius. Also, Jupiter in Gemini squares Saturn in your own sign of Pisces and your house of personal energy reserves. You’re fast out of the gate, but you could hit a wall. It’s not a lack of energy but more a feeling of uncertainty (which is a bigger energy drain than anything else). Instead of focusing on your lack of energy, look at what you’re trying to decide.

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01 september - 07 september
Illustrations by Jo Ratcliffe