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JUL 23 - AUG 22

This week, something new has benefits for you.?

The week begins on Sunday, September 15, with Mars in Cancer squaring the North Node and South Node. It’s never too late to take action on a cherished goal. Today, you could get a little nudge from the Universe to move you forward on an art, music, or creative project. Leo, you might feel a guiding hand when it comes to a relationship or career decision. Look ahead and follow the path to where you want to go.

On Tuesday, September 17, there is a lunar eclipse in Pisces. A person who has offered you help could rescind the offer. This might not be the problem you think it is. They’re leaving an opening for a much better opportunity to come in. Today, don’t tie your hopes to a fleeting promise.

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This week
Illustrations by Jo Ratcliffe